[FieldTrip] ft_databrowser channel labels missing

Blume Christine christine.blume at sbg.ac.at
Fri May 31 16:35:38 CEST 2019

Dear all,

this is a tiny, but sometimes annoying problem: I cannot get ft to display the channel labels. Here is my code…

    cfg = [];
    cfg.layout = layout;
    cfg.gradscale = 0.04;
    cfg.continuous = 'yes';
    cfg.blocksize = 10;
    cfg.viewmode = 'vertical';
    cfg.fontsize = 0.1;
    cfg.colorgroups = chancolors_CB;
    cfg.plotlabels = 'yes';
    % rereferencing now only for artifact rejection
    cfg.preproc.reref = 'yes';
    cfg.preproc.refchannel = {'A1', 'A2'};

Any advice is highly appreciated 😉.

Dr. Christine Blume
Centre for Chronobiology
Transfaculty Research Platform Molecular and Cognitive Neurosciences (MCN)
Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel (UPK)
Wilhelm-Klein-Str. 27
CH-4002 Basel
Email: christine.blume at upk.ch<mailto:christine.blume at upk.ch>
T: +41 (0)61 325 5074
www.christine-blume.com<http://www.christine-blume.com>  |  www.chronobiology.ch<http://www.chronobiology.ch>  |  www.sleepscience.at<http://www.sleepscience.at/>

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