[FieldTrip] ft_rejectcomponent error

Maximilien Chaumon maximilien.chaumon at gmail.com
Sat Mar 2 10:36:41 CET 2019

Dear all,

I'm having trouble rejecting components with just computed ICA comp. The
data is raw type neuromag data. I have the impression it's a bug, so filed
an issue to github https://github.com/fieldtrip/fieldtrip/issues/980.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Just after computing components, I try to reject components and get the
following error.

cfgica              = [];
cfgica.method       = 'runica';
cfgica.numcomponent = 50;
comp             = ft_componentanalysis(cfgica, data);

cfg                           = [];
cfg.component                 = [1 10];
data_corrected                = ft_rejectcomponent(cfg, comp, data );

undoing the comp balancing for the gradiometer definition
Error using ft_datatype_sens (line 279)
unexpected number of coils (510) contributing to channel MEG0111 (1)
Error in undobalancing (line 58)
sens = ft_datatype_sens(sens);
Error in ft_senstype (line 283)
      sens = undobalancing(sens);
Error in ft_datatype_sens (line 151)
ismeg = ft_senstype(sens, 'meg');
Error in ft_datatype_raw (line 112)
      data.grad = ft_datatype_sens(data.grad);
Error in ft_datatype_comp (line 110)
      raw = ft_datatype_raw(raw, 'version', rawversion, 'hassampleinfo',
hassampleinfo, 'hastrialinfo', hastrialinfo);
Error in ft_checkdata (line 266)
  data = ft_datatype_comp(data, 'hassampleinfo', hassampleinfo);
Error in ft_rejectcomponent (line 90)
  comp    = ft_checkdata(comp, 'datatype', 'comp');


ans =
  struct with fields:

     balance: [1×1 struct]
     chanori: [306×3 double]
     chanpos: [306×3 double]
    chantype: {306×1 cell}
    chanunit: {306×1 cell}
     coilori: [510×3 double]
     coilpos: [510×3 double]
    coordsys: 'neuromag'
       label: {306×1 cell}
         tra: [306×510 double]
        type: 'neuromag306'
        unit: 'cm'

ans =
  struct with fields:

       balance: [1×1 struct]
       chanori: [50×3 double]
       chanpos: [50×3 double]
       coilori: [510×3 double]
       coilpos: [510×3 double]
      coordsys: 'neuromag'
         label: {50×1 cell}
           tra: [50×510 double]
          unit: 'cm'
    chanposold: [306×3 double]
      labelold: {306×1 cell}
    chanoriold: [306×3 double]
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