[FieldTrip] A query for solution

Rajan Kashyap rajankashyap6 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 12:29:07 CEST 2019

Dear all
I have used AAL atlas to parcellate my resting state fMRI data. So the
matrix is (Resting state Matrix =Spatial areas x Number of Volumes). I used
PCA on each subject and obtained the first PCA component. The matrix
becomes (Spatial Areas x 1).
I wanted to overlay the PCA component to the atlas so that I can visualise
the component across the spatial areas. I could see the function
*ft_datatype_parcellation* that could possibly project the data to the the
atlas. Am I right, or is their any other function. Can anyone help me with
the procedure?

Rajan Kashyap
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