[FieldTrip] Issue with visualising EEG Spectrogram
Daniel Campoy (CMP - Student)
D.Campoy at uea.ac.uk
Tue Jun 18 20:12:00 CEST 2019
I have been stuck trying to understand the results I'm seeing so please forgive me as my background is not in neuroscience. I'm a Masters student working with EEG data for a classification project using Matlab 2017b.
I have been successful at visualising the data of a test subject for a specific trigger and plot all channels (dataset has 8 channels) from the trigger (image stimuli) using ft_singleplotTFR. Thus creating a 2x4 plot of images for all 8 channels. However I'm stuck trying understand my results when I plot an EEG spectrogram using ft_singleplotTFR for each channel across all triggers (T=1 in my dataset) the data does not show what I've seen for separate channels. It displays a plot of 8 images filled blue and a fine yellow/green bar across the bottom. The only thing I've changed is supplying all the trials instead of one at a time using a for loop to iterate through each trial for 8 channels. I've removed the for loop outside of the for loop of channels since I'm supplying all trials. Below is my code and process. Any insight would be much appreciated and if you need further information please let me know. I've attached an image of the results of each channel across all triggers.
My first step is to load the .mat file I've saved containing all the defined trials. After this is complete, the below code is used to extract all the trigger events where the value in cfg.events is T=1. I run the ft_preprocessing again but for the defined trials I'm looking for T=1.
trigger = extractfield(cfg.event,'value');
channels = EEG_Data.cfg.channel;
trigger_idx = find(startsWith(trigger,'T=1'));
cfg.trials = trigger_idx; %index location for all T=1 stimuli triggers
EEG_Data_Trial = ft_preprocessing(cfg,EEG_Data);
After completion the next block of code is ran for each channel. You may have noticed the cdat variable is in the output, this is me modifying the ft_singleplotTFR function to return the EEG spectrogram matrix I use for later analysis.
figure %used to create a figure of EEG Spectrograms
for z = 1:length(channels) %Collect the measurements from each channel for a given trigger
Img_idx = 1 + Img_idx;
cfg = [];
cfg.output = 'pow'; %return power spectra
cfg.channel = channels{z};
cfg.method = 'wavelet'; %use wavelet function
%cfg.trials = trigger_idx; %specify index location to find event in EEG_Data_Trial.trial
cfg.width = 1; % 3 has shown some promise for results
cfg.gwidth = 4; %decreasing this has shown to fill out are of the figure
cfg.pad = 20; %increases resolution as the value goes up
cfg.foilim = [1 30]; %1 to 30 Hz range
%cfg.toi = -.10:0.0001:.35; %produced a full image time window from -100 ms to 350ms in 0.1ms steps
cfg.toi = -.05:0.00001:.250; %time window from -50 ms to 250ms in 0.01ms steps
TFRwavelet = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, EEG_Data_Trial);
fprintf('\n Time-Freq wavelet for trigger index %u channel %s and processed %u trigger(s)\n',trigger_idx(i),channels{z},i)
%Create Image of EEG Spectrogram to output cdat matrix
cfg = [];
cfg.baselinetype = 'absolute';
cfg.maskstyle = 'saturation';
cfg.zlim = 'maxmin';
subplot(2,4,z)%used to create figures of plotted channels
[EEG_Spec,cdat] = ft_singleplotTFR(cfg, TFRwavelet);
subplot(2,4,z)%used to create figures of plotted channels
Thank you and kind regards,
Daniel C.
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