[FieldTrip] Dealing with warning message "data contians NaN values"

Jeremy Pulmano jpulmano at princeton.edu
Wed Jul 17 17:57:29 CEST 2019

Hi Erika,

The original sampling rate is 1024 Hz and the new sampling rate is 128 Hz.


On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 4:49 PM Erika Puiutta <
erika.puiutta at uni-oldenburg.de> wrote:

> Hey J,
> this is just an educated guess since I don't really know how fieldtrip
> does the downsampling, but what is your sampling frequency and the sampling
> frequency you sample down to? Is it possible that your downsampling
> frequency is not a harmonic of your original sampling frequency (say 1000Hz
> to 300Hz)? Maybe there are NaNs for the new samples where fieldtrip can't
> find a corresponding one from the old sampling frequency?
> Best of luck,
> Erika
> Am 17.07.2019 um 17:26 schrieb Jeremy Pulmano <jpulmano at princeton.edu>:
> Hi all,
> I am new to both neuroscience and FieldTrip and am trying to debug my
> preprocessing pipeline of EEG data (biosemi .bdf files). These are the
> current steps:
>    1. High pass filtering
>    2. Downsampling
>    3. Epoching
>    4. Base-line correction
>    5. Re-referencing
>    6. ICA / component rejection
>    7. Visual artifact removal
>    8. Low pass filter (I save the low pass filter for the end so that ICA
>    yields better time course plots).
> However, after the first three steps (high pass, downsample, epoch), I
> continue to get the warning message: "Warning: data contains NaN values, no
> filtering or preprocessing applied," starting at baseline correction. It
> repeats itself over and over again. If I ignore these errors, the data
> looks incorrect in the end. Why does this happen, and how can I resolve
> this?
> Any tips would be appreciated.
> Thanks,
> J
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*Jeremy Pulmano*
*Princeton University Class of 2021*
B.S.E. Computer Science
e: jpulmano at princeton.edu | c: (862) 220-5903
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