[FieldTrip] AAL atlas Anatomical parcellation

Mohammad Ostadmohammadi mohammad.ostad73 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 09:45:06 CEST 2019

I use following code to parcellate sources ( to know each source is at
which tissue of my atlas) and "atlas" is AAL. The output (tmp_mask) is too
much different for different subjects and don't know why!
cfg                       = [];
cfg.atlas             = atlas;
cfg.roi                = atlas.tissuelabel{i};
cfg.inputcoord = atlas.coordsys;
tmp_mask        = ft_volumelookup(cfg,source_model);
tmp_mask        = reshape(tmp_mask, [numel(tmp_mask), 1]);

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 10:48 AM Velden, Daniel <
daniel.velden at med.uni-goettingen.de> wrote:

> Dear Mohammad,
> if you used individual mri’s for each subject and performed mri
> reconstruction and parcellation on each individual mri, those
> reconstruction results should of course differ between subjects.
> Unfortunately, and based on your short explanation, I can’t tell how big
> the differences are. A little different is normal, huge differences may
> indicate a problem in your source localization pipeline.
> Greetings and all the best,
> Daniel van de Velden
> ------------------------------------------------
> *Daniel van de Velden (M.Sc.) || PhD candidate*
> *Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter*
> *Klinik für Klinische Neurophysiologie *
> *Georg-August-Universität Göttingen*
> *Robert-Koch.Str. 40, 37075 Göttingen*
> *Tel. 0551- 39-65106*
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