[FieldTrip] Announcement for 2 PhD positions

Athina Tzovara athina.tz at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 07:07:22 CET 2019

Dear all,

Applications are invited for 2 PhD students in machine learning &
computational neuroscience at the University of Bern, Switzerland. The
research focus will be on using machine learning techniques to model
electrophysiological data related to epilepsy and consciousness research.
The positions will be part of a newly formed group between the Institute of
Computer Science and Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bern and will
be funded by the Interfaculty Research Cooperation (IRC) project on sleep

The successful applicants will have the opportunity to work at the
intersection of computational and clinical research in neuroscience. They
will have access to scalp and intracranial electroencephalography (EEG)
data and will get hands-on experience with data analysis and computational

The ideal candidates should have a Master of Science or an equivalent
degree in neuroscience, biomedical engineering, computer science, or a
related discipline. Prior experience with EEG, machine learning or deep
learning are advantageous. Funding is available for 3 years (with
evaluation after 1 year) according to Swiss regulations.

If you are interested please send one pdf document including your CV, a
brief statement of research interests, and the contact details of two
references to: athina.tz at gmail.com. Informal inquiries are welcome.

Best wishes,

Athina Tzovara

Athina Tzovara, PhD
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
Knight Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
University of California Berkeley

Web: https://aath0.github.io/
Tel: +1-510-944-4302
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