[FieldTrip] Fw: Problem with ft_connectivityanalysis

pélagie Temgoua pelagietemgoua at yahoo.fr
Fri Feb 8 11:51:03 CET 2019

 Good morning their all.
i run ft_connectivityanalysis.m script with the following configuration :[data, header] = edfread("s01.edf")freq = 250cfg = [];cfg.method = 'plv';stat = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg, data)
and i get the following error:Error using ft_checkdata (line 529)This function requires 'freqmvar', 'freq' or 'source' data as input, see ft_datatype_freq or ft_datatype_source.
Error in ft_connectivityanalysis (line 271)data = ft_checkdata(data, 'datatype', {'freqmvar' 'freq' 'source'});need your help please.
Thank you.


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