[FieldTrip] Invitation "Neuroendocrinology and Brain Imaging“, June 8-9 2019, Rome, Italy (a satellite to the annual OHBM meeting)

Hubert Preissl hubert.preissl at uni-tuebingen.de
Mon Apr 1 12:08:05 CEST 2019

It is our pleasure to invite you to join us for this event. Our 
intention is to bring together scientists from the field of brain 
imaging, who are interested to discuss recent findings related to the 
interaction between the brain and metabolism, hormones and behavior.

The conference is planned to start June 8^th at 12 pm and to end June 
9^th at 2 pm. The venue will be at the Hotel Regent 
<https://nam05.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hotelregentroma.net%2Fen-gb&data=02%7C01%7Cdana.small%40yale.edu%7C13c19617c0ae4be1a2d508d6b41ba821%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C636894428224196689&sdata=HZce6C9%2B6YoQLqoDHUO5ilKXjjlut2iOD9s7HhGb3n0%3D&reserved=0> nearby 
to the venue of the OHBM Congress.

confirmed speakers: *Alain Dagher*, University of Montreal, Canada; 
*Annette Horstmann*, Helsinki University, Finnland; *Patricia Iozzo*, 
National Research Council, Pisa, Italy; *Stephanie Kullmann*, University 
of Tübingen, Germany; *Soyoung Park*, German Institute of Human 
Nutrition, Potsdam, Germany; *Zdenk Pausova*, University of Toronto, 
Canada; *Dana Small*, Yale University, USA; *Marc Tittgenmeyer*, Max 
Planck Institute for metabolic research, Cologne, Germany; *Anna M. van 
Opstal,* Leiden University, The Netherlands; *Inger Sundström 
Poromaa,* University of Uppsala, Sweden

Please visit preissl-lab.net/nabi-2019 
<http://preissl-lab.net/nabi-2019> for further information.

Stephanie Kullmann, Hubert Preissl and Dana Small

University of Tübingen and Yale
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