[FieldTrip] A white paper on Best Practices in Data Analysis and Sharing in Neuroimaging using MEEG

Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
Wed Sep 5 15:25:30 CEST 2018

Dear FieldTrip community,

As member of the Committee for Best Practices in Data Analysis and Sharing (COBIDAS) for MEEG, I’d like to invite you all to contribute to the committee’s endeavour to draft a (widely supported) white paper on said Best Practices. See below for an invitation e-mail by the committee’s chairs, and additional information about the process.

Best wishes,

J.M.Schoffelen, MD PhD
Senior Researcher, VIDI-fellow - PI, language in interaction
Telephone: +31-24-3614793
Physical location: room 00.028
Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen, The Netherlands


To: The Fieldtrip Community
From: The Organization from Human Brain Mapping [OHBM] Cobidas MEEG Co-Chairs
Details of the COBIDAS MEEG white paper were presented at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping [OHBM] General Assembly meeting in Singapore in June 2018. An OHBM Committee co-chaired by Aina Puce & Cyril Pernet has drafted an initial version of the white paper  - after soliciting input from around 100 volunteers from the OHBM community. We are at the next phase of work on the white paper, which involves public comments from the OHBM & wider scientific community. Sections of the COBIDAS MEEG white paper have now been posted as a series of blog posts [https://cobidasmeeg.wordpress.com/<http://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/etrack/track.cfm?rType=2&campaignID=3572&contactID=4524&origURL=https://cobidasmeeg.wordpress.com/?ref=spelling>], where comments or questions/queries can be left at the end of each blog post. A preprint has also been uploaded on the Open Science Framework of this first version [https://osf.io/a8dhx]. We are hoping that members of the FieldTrip community will also participate in giving feedback on the document during the comment period, which runs from August 2018 until the end of November 2018.
Each section of the document was posted in a blog post and accepts comments. Aina & Cyril will monitor the blog & also try and answer questions as they arise. After the end of the comment period we will incorporate the comments/edits to an updated document that will be circulated to the COBIDAS MEEG committee for final editing. We hope to post the white paper to the OHBM website as well as the updated pre-print early in 2019 & give a progress report to OHBM Council and the Membership at the next OHBM General Assembly in Rome in June 2019.
Aina Puce & Cyril Pernet,
OHBM COBIDAS MEEG Committee, Co-Chairs
Indiana University & University of Edinburgh
email: ainapuce at indiana.edu<http://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/etrack/track.cfm?rType=2&campaignID=3572&contactID=4524&origURL=mailto:ainapuce@indiana.edu>
email: cyril.pernet at ed.ac.uk<http://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/etrack/track.cfm?rType=2&campaignID=3572&contactID=4524&origURL=mailto:cyril.pernet@ed.ac.uk>

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