[FieldTrip] What is baseline method "normchange" in ft_freqbaseline?
David Schubring
david.schubring at uni-konstanz.de
Tue Oct 9 13:27:15 CEST 2018
Dear Sebastian,
more information can be found in the code of ft_freqbaseline, where
"data" is your poststimulus and "meanVals" is your baseline and
normchange does the following:
data = (data - meanVals) ./ (data + meanVals)
Hope that helps.
PS: The other baseline types do the following:
if (strcmp(baselinetype, 'absolute'))
data = data - meanVals;
elseif (strcmp(baselinetype, 'relative'))
data = data ./ meanVals;
elseif (strcmp(baselinetype, 'relchange'))
data = (data - meanVals) ./ meanVals;
elseif (strcmp(baselinetype, 'normchange')) || (strcmp(baselinetype,
data = (data - meanVals) ./ (data + meanVals);
elseif (strcmp(baselinetype, 'db'))
data = 10*log10(data ./ meanVals);
Am 09.10.2018 um 11:49 schrieb Sebastian Sauppe:
> Dear list members,
> there are several options for baselining in ft_freqbaseline. Most of them relatively intuitively to understand, like „absolute“ or „db“. However, I wasn’t able to find out what „normchange“ does. Does anyone of you know (where to find information about this)?
> Thanks a lot!
> — Sebastian
> -----------
> Dr. Sebastian Sauppe
> Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich
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Dr. David Schubring
General & Biological Psychology
University of Konstanz
Room C524
P.O. Box 36
78457 Konstanz
Phone: +49-(0)7531-88-5350
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