[FieldTrip] siemens_gui_streamer prisma scanner

Giulia Lioi giulia.lioi at inria.fr
Mon Mar 26 18:52:11 CEST 2018

To whom it may concern, 

I am having some problems using the siemens_gui_streamer with a recently installed Siemens prisma scanner. 
I was using a custom script to extract the mrprot.txt and I tried to keep the same information I was getting from the mrprot of the verio scanner. 
When I try to run the gui_streamer with the new mrprot however it automatically closes after the first scan, while with the old protocol is working.., 

HAs anyone had a similar problem? 
Can you help with this? 

Many thanks 

Giulia Lioi, PhD | Engineer R&D 

Visages-Hybrid teams 
Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA 
F-35000 Rennes 
Tel: 0033 767466577 
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