[FieldTrip] preproc : electrodes missing and databrowser

Fanny fanny.lachat at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 17:31:29 CEST 2018

hello fieldtrip users,
I have encounter some problems and I hope you can help me with those ....

I have EEG data  : 128 channel -with 1 ref so 127 Channel and 2 EOG- so 129
channels at the end.

All of my channels are label 'EEG'.

When I do the preprocessing at the end I obtain 125 channels ... my 2 eog
channel and channel O9 and O10 are gone ...
I don t know how to fix that because of course I want to analyse the 129

on the hdr ( from ft_preprocessing) : hdr.label = 129 and hdr.type = eeg
for the 129 channel
BUT the cfg.channel ( from ft_preprocessing) is 125 ....

My preprocessing :
cfg = [];
cfg.dataset = 'sujet12_250418000001.eeg';
% filter HP and DFT (50Hz)
cfg.hpinstabilityfix = 'reduce';
cfg.hpfilter = 'yes';
cfg.hpfreq   = 0.5;
cfg.dftfilter     = 'yes';
data_preprocv02 = ft_preprocessing (cfg)

this there a difference between
cfg.preproc.hpfilter and cfg.hpfilter ?

when I do on my preprocessing data :
cfg = [];
cfg.method         = 'average';
cfg.elec = elec;
cfg.badchannel     = {'AFp2'};
cfg.neighbours     = neighbours;
data_interp = ft_channelrepair(cfg,data_preproc);

and then I want to vizualised my data_preproc  again
ft_databrowser (cfg,data_preproc)

The signal of my data_preproc looks different that BEFORE the channelrepair
... does channelrepair change something to the data ... ?

Thank you for your help !

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