[FieldTrip] Using FieldTrip for Time-Frequency Cluster

Alexandre Chalard alexandre.chalard at inserm.fr
Mon Dec 31 18:59:05 CET 2018

Hello everyone,

I am writing this post because I have some questions about using FieldTrip after carefully reading the documentation provided on the site.

I would like to use FieldTrip to use the cluster statistics functions. 
My experimental task consists of movements in patients and healthy subjects.
Currently, I use my routines to perform my analyses (epoching, filtering, time frequency transformation).

For example, I would like to highlight differences between the 2 groups in the time and frequency map at a single electrode. 
Does FieldTrip allow cluster statistics to be performed on a single electrode (Time x Frequency at the sensor level) ? 
If so, how do we configure it? 
Do the neighboring channels represent frequencies or time? 
Should we change the number of neighboring channels (for example in my case 77 points represent the frequency band 13-30) ?

My data is currently stored in this way: 
Time x Frequency x Subjects which is the average representation of the tests during the task in the time frequency domain on an electrode.
Does FieldTrip allow me to quickly integrate this data structure into the different functions? Do I have to go back through the different data pipelines (preprocessing, grandavage, freqanalysis) in order to use the freqstat ? 

Thank you for your help

With kind regards

Alexandre Chalard

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