[FieldTrip] questions

Govindan, Rathinaswamy rgovinda at childrensnational.org
Mon Dec 17 20:47:29 CET 2018

Hello Fieldtrippers:
I am RB Govindan from Children’s Hospital, Washington, DC. I am visiting
FieldTrip after a long time, so consider me as a beginner. My objective is to
quantitate stereo EEG using spectral analysis that includes connectivity
analysis. From the get-go, I have two questions:

For installation, I downloaded fieldtrip-20181207.zip file and unzipped it
on my computer. I tried downloading other folders (examples, modules, tutorial,
and workshop) but with no success. Some of the huge files in these folders
disconnected my FTP link. Would I be able to use all features of FieldTrip with
the version that I have downloaded? If not, could you please suggest what other
components I need?

I have MRIs in DICOM format. I followed the instructions in the tutorial
which are as follows:
f1=’/Volumes/FDATA_1/HACO_Project/CT_MRI T1 SPGR/ARS_MRI_T1 SPGR/1.2.840.113619.2.353.4120.14262029.13982.1485259768.788.dcm’;

mri = ft_read_mri(f1);

This threw the following error message.
SPGR/1.2.840.113619.2.353.4120.14262029.13982.1485259768.788.dcm does not have a series number
Output argument "vol" (and maybe others) not assigned during call
to "load_dicom_series."
Error in ft_read_mri (line 300)
    [img,transform,hdr,mr_params] =
Could someone help me so I can proceed further? 

My understanding is that the code looks for the series number of the DICOM
images. I do not know what that means. Furthermore, I’m running Fieldtrip from
a MATLAB that does not have an image processing toolbox. Do I need an image
processing toolbox for my analysis?
Thank you very much for your attention, in anticipation.

Best regards,

From:  rbgovindan <rgovinda at childrensnational.org>
Date:  Friday, December 14, 2018 at 11:16 AM
To:  "fieldtrip at science.ru.nl" <fieldtrip at science.ru.nl>
Subject:  Re: questions

While reading DICOM images using this function:
mri = ft_read_mri(f1);
I received the following error:
ERROR: /Volumes/FDATA_1/HACO_Project/CT_MRI T1 SPGR/ARS_MRI_T1 SPGR/1.2.840.113619.2.353.4120.14262029.13982.1485259768.788.dcm does not have a series number 
Output argument "vol" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "load_dicom_series."
Error in ft_read_mri (line 300)
    [img,transform,hdr,mr_params] = load_dicom_series(dcmdir,dcmdir,filename);
Any help is appreciated.

Best regards,

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