[FieldTrip] weird z-value plot from ft_rejectvisual

Wei He wei.he at mq.edu.au
Fri Aug 31 14:07:33 CEST 2018

Dear all,

When I used ft_rejectvisual on my ERF data and then selected z-value, I got funny plots that seem just not right to me (the units of the x-axis may suggest the z values weren't computed correctly?).
It was initially identified with fieldtrip-20180827 in Matlab2014b. Then the same error was also found with the most recent feildtrip release in Matlab2017b. I attached below a few screenshots for the z-value plots. Any suggestions will be very much appreciated!

[cid:image008.jpg at 01D4415B.F3437220]
[cid:image009.jpg at 01D4415B.F3437220]
[cid:image010.jpg at 01D4415B.F3437220]


Wei He
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders
Department of Cognitive Science |   Level 3, Australian Hearing Hub
16 University Avenue
Macquarie University  NSW 2109  Australia
T : +61 2 9850 2952  |  ccd.edu.au<http://ccd.edu.au/>  |  mq.edu.au<http://mq.edu.au/>

[Macquarie University]<http://mq.edu.au/>
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