[FieldTrip] Opening .smr file with ft

BANCEL Thomas thomas.bancel at icm-institute.org
Wed Apr 18 11:17:01 CEST 2018

Hi everyone,

My name is Thomas Bancel, I am working on epilepsy at ICM and we have recordings from the Spike2 (v 9.02) software (CED, .smr file) that I would like to put into Matlab using Fieldtrip (and not the SONLibrary).

When I call the following script:

smr_filepath = 'C:\Users\thomas.bancel\Documents\Crises annotées Mark\557 GAERS S1 2015_10_19\557 GAERS S1 2015_10_19 _M.smr';
smrx_filepath = 'C:\Users\thomas.bancel\Documents\Crises annotées Mark\557 GAERS S1 2015_10_19\smrx557 GAERS S1 2015_10_19.smrx';
dll_name = 'C:\Users\thomas.bancel\Documents\MATLAB\nsMCDLibrary_3.7b\Matlab\Matlab-Import-Filter\Matlab_Interface\nsMCDLibrary64.dll';
[result] = ns_SetLibrary(dll_name) % give 0

I get the following message:

Call ns_SetLibrary first! Process interrupted!
Error using read_ced_son (line 97)
Could not get NeuroShare library info, please use the NS_SETLIBRARY function.

Can someone help me ?

I work on Matlab R2017b, fieldtrip release 2018/02/28, windows 7 professional, 64 bit.

Thank you in advance,

PS: this is my first message in  the discussion list, sorry if it lacks info or if it is unclear, I can update if needed.

Thomas Bancel
ICM - Equipe Charpier
thomas.bancel at icm-institute.org

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