[FieldTrip] One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "read_16bit"

Vitória Piai v.piai.research at gmail.com
Thu May 11 08:08:46 CEST 2017

Hey Arjen,

Brilliant!! Thanks so much for the suggestion, it worked...
I'm still having to comment out line 356 (chanindx = 
EDF.chansel;%(chanindx);), so something is going on but at least now I 
can work with the data!

Thanks again,

On 5/10/2017 6:50 PM, Arjen Stolk wrote:
> Hey Vitoria,
> Quick thoughts: what is cfg.dataset here? Is it '/MaterSEEG04-17.edf'? 
> If so, please try without the '/', or specifying the full path 
> location. Vaguely recalling here that read_16bit fails on statements 
> such as '~', and perhaps also '/'. Hoping this was a good gamble.
> Best,
> Arjen
> 2017-05-10 9:37 GMT-07:00 Vitória Piai <v.piai.research at gmail.com 
> <mailto:v.piai.research at gmail.com>>:
>     Hi FT-ers,
>     I'm trying to read a big .edf file (2.16GB), using a recent
>     version, fieldtrip-20170401.
>     I can read the header (attached, if it's of any use). However,
>     when reading the data, I'm getting the following errors.
>     _- If I specify begin and end sample:_
>     /X = ft_read_data(cfg.dataset,'begsample', 1, 'endsample', 30);
>     /error opening file: /MaterSEEG04-17.edf
>     One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "read_16bit".
>     Error in read_edf>readLowLevel (line 449)
>       buf = read_16bit(filename, offset, numwords);
>     Error in read_edf (line 401)
>           buf = readLowLevel(filename, offset, blocksize); % see below
>     in subfunction
>     Error in ft_read_data (line 683)
>         dat = read_edf(filename, hdr, begsample, endsample, chanindx);
>     _- If I specify channel index:_
>     /X = ft_read_data(cfg.dataset,'chanindx',chanindx);
>     /Attempted to access EDF.chansel(34); index out of bounds because
>     numel(EDF.chansel)=1.
>     Error in read_edf (line 356)
>         chanindx = EDF.chansel(chanindx);
>     Error in ft_read_data (line 683)
>         dat = read_edf(filename, hdr, begsample, endsample, chanindx);/
>     /
>     I can then "fix" this error by commenting out line 356 in
>     read_edf, which brings me back to the first error of "read_16bit".
>     This happens on a PC and on a Mac. Something tells me the data
>     isn't being read properly but I can't figure out why. Something
>     with mex files maybe? I couldn't find anything similar in previous
>     threads nor in Bugzilla, for as far as I could see.
>     Any thoughts anyone? I have the data on Dropbox and can send the
>     link if needed.
>     Thanks loads,
>     Vitoria
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