[FieldTrip] Epoching between 1 to 30 seconds

Antonio Rodriguez toni.rbaena at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 08:26:05 CET 2017

Hello Arti, maybe you can try to set your pre stim time to a negative value
( so you will start after the event) , and then set the  post stim at your
final epoch time.

Like this:

    cfg                         = [];
    cfg.datafile                = datafile;
    cfg.headerfile              = headerfile;
    cfg.trialdef.eventtype      = 'Stimulus';
    cfg.trialdef.eventvalue = 'S 19';

    cfg.trialdef.prestim        = -1; % start 1 second AFTER stim
    cfg.trialdef.poststim       = 30; % end in the second 30 AFTER stim

    td                    = ft_definetrial(cfg); % my epochs are 29 second

Hope this helps.

2017-03-15 7:16 GMT+01:00 Arti Abhishek <mailtome.2113 at gmail.com>:

> Dear fieldtrip community,
> I have EEG recorded in an auditory steady state paradigm and I want to
> epoch between 1-30 seconds. I don't want in my epoch any prestimulus time
> or the first second of the stimulus (to remove the onset response). I was
> wondering how I can epoch like this in fieldtrip? Can I epoch without using
> cfg.trialdef.prestim and cfg.trialdef.poststim parameters?
> Thanks,
> Arti
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