[FieldTrip] 3 PhD grants and 3 Post-Doc positions at Aix-Marseille University (France)

Jean-Michel Badier jean-michel.badier at univ-amu.fr
Fri Mar 10 17:05:37 CET 2017

Bonjour Andrea,

On dirait que l'on a eu la même idée !

J'espère que tu vas bien.

A bientôt


Le 10/03/2017 à 14:31, Andrea Brovelli a écrit :
> *Call for Applications*
> */3 Post-docs; 3 Phd Grants/*
> **
> *Three 2-year postdoc positions *
> *At Aix-Marseille/Avignon on /Language, Communication and the Brain/*
> The Center of Excellence on Brain and Language (BLRI, www.blri.fr/ 
> <http://www.blri.fr/>)and the Institute of Language, Communication and 
> the Brain (ILCB, http://www.ilcb.fr) offer:
> *Three 2-year postdoc positions*on any topic that falls within the 
> area of language, communication, brain and modelling. The institute 
> provides privileged and free access to fMRI, MEG and EEG facilities.
> The BLRI-ILCB is located in Aix-en-Provence, Avignon and Marseille and 
> regroups several research centers in linguistics, psychology, 
> cognitive neuroscience, medicine, computer science, and mathematics.
> The scientific project, ideally interdisciplinary, should be 
> supervised by at least one member of the BLRI/ILCB (see 
> http://www.blri.fr/members.html) and should, if possible, involve two 
> different laboratories of the institute.
> A complete application should contain:
> 1.A full description of the research project (~ 5 pages):
> a.Title
> b.Name of the collaborator/supervisor/sponsor within the BLRI-ILCB
> c.Short Summary
> d.Scientific context/state of the art/
> e.Objectives and hypotheses
> f.Methodology
> g.Expected results
> h.Brief statement about the relevance of the project for the BLRI/ILCB
> i.Proposed Timeline
> 2.CV with complete list of publications
> 3.Letter of motivation
> 4.One letter of recommendation or contact information of a potential 
> referee
>   * Duration: 2 years (1 year, extendable for another year)
>   * Monthly salary: ~2000 € net (depending on experience)
>   * Deadline: June 11, 2017
> Applications should be sent to: nadera.bureau at blri.fr 
> <mailto:nadera.bureau at blri.fr>
> For supplementary information: _Johannes.Ziegler at univ-amu.fr 
> <mailto:Johannes.Ziegler at univ-amu.fr>_
> *Three PhD grants *
> *at Aix-Marseille/Avignon on /Language, Communication and the Brain/*
> The Center of Excellence on Brain and Language (BLRI, www.blri.fr/ 
> <http://www.blri.fr/>)and the Institute of Language, Communication and 
> the Brain (ILCB, http://www.ilcb.fr/ ) award
> 3 PhD grants (3 years) on any topic that falls within the area of 
> language, communication, brain and modelling. The institute provides 
> privileged and free access to fMRI and MEG facilities.
> The BLRI-ILCB is located in Aix-en-Provence, Avignon and Marseille and 
> regroups several research centers in linguistics, psychology, 
> cognitive neuroscience, medicine, computer science, and mathematics.
> Interested candidates need to find one or more PhD supervisors amongst 
> the members of the BRLI-ILCB (http://www.blri.fr/members.html.) 
> Together with the supervisor(s), they would then need to write a 
> 3-year PhD project. A priority is given to interdisciplinary 
> co-directions and to projects that involve two different laboratories 
> of the institute.
> The application should contain:
> 1.A full description of the PhD project (~ 5 pages):
> a.Title
> b.Name of the PhD supervisor(s)
> c.Short Summary
> d.Scientific context/state of the art/
> e.Objectives and hypotheses
> f.Methodology
> g.Expected results
> h.Brief statement about the relevance of the project for the BLRI/ILCB
> i.Proposed Timeline
> 2.CV and master degree grades (if available)
> 3.Letter of motivation
> 4.One letter of recommendation or contact information of a potential 
> referee
>   * Deadline for submission: June 11, 2017
>   * Pre-selection of candidates for audition: June 28, 2017
>   * Auditions: July 3-7, 2017 (international candidates might be
>     interviewed via skype)
>   * Start: September 1, 2017
>   * Monthly salary: 1 685€(1 368€ net) for a period of 3 years
> Applications should be sent to: _nadera.bureau at blri.fr 
> <mailto:nadera.bureau at blri.fr>_
> For supplementary information contact: _Johannes.Ziegler at univ-amu.fr 
> <mailto:Johannes.Ziegler at univ-amu.fr>_
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Philippe Blache                         |
> LPL - CNRS & Universite d'Aix-Marseille | tel: +33 (0)
> Brain & Language Research Institute     | fax: +33 (0)
> 5 Avenue Pasteur, BP 80975              | email: blache at lpl-aix.fr 
> <mailto:blache at lpl-aix.fr>
> 13604 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1           | 
> http://www.lpl-aix.fr/~blache/ <http://www.lpl-aix.fr/%7Eblache/>
> France                                  | http://www.blri.fr/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Jean michel Badier /- UMR S 1106 Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes/
Aix-Marseille Université - Laboratoire MEG - TIMONE - 27 Boulevard Jean 
Moulin - 13005 Marseille
Tél: +33(0)4 91 38 55 62 - Fax : +33(0)4 91 78 99 14
Site : http://www.univ-amu.fr - Email : jean-michel.badier at univ-amu.fr 
<mailto:jean-michel.badier at univ-amu.fr>
/Afin de respecter l'environnement, merci de n'imprimer cet email que si 
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