[FieldTrip] source pos dimensions ft_sourcestatistics

Stephen Whitmarsh stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 15:34:23 CEST 2017

Salut Jan-Mathijs,

As indicated earlier - I have been running the pipeline with recent
versions of FT, and nowhere use source2sparse, but yeah, there is plenty of
custom code, so somewhere along the lines it went to sparse.

In any case, for the sake of our (well, your) progeny and anyone else
listening, I finally solved it like this, using the dimensionality of the
template grid to which I reverse-warped my subjects.

% prepare datastruct
stat_full            = keepfields(stat,{'label','stat'});
stat_full.statdimord = 'pos';
stat_full.dimord     = 'pos';
stat_full.dim        = template_grid.dim;

% from sparse to full
stat_full.stat                       = zeros(prod(stat_full.dim),1);
stat_full.stat(template_grid.inside) = stat.stat;
stat_full.pos                        = template_grid.pos;

% and now this works:
stat_int        = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, stat_full, template_mri);
stat_int.inside = template_mri.inside;

Like always, thanks for you help and patience!

A bientot,

On 26 June 2017 at 15:23, Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <
jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> wrote:

> Hi Stephen,
> As indicated earlier, it could be that the old functionality of
> source2full/source2sparse is broken (i.e. not backward compatible). The
> easiest solution would be to re-run your pipeline, omitting the step of
> source2sparse.
> Alternatively, you may try and handcraft your way into making the
> stat-structure ‘full’ again. This latter only works if you have a
> well-defined set of 3D positions of the template grid you used (which I
> assume you have somewhere), as well as the indices of the ‘inside’ dipole
> positions
> In pseudocode:
> fn = fieldnames(stat);
> for k = 1:numel(fn)
> if numel(stat.(fn{k})==2982),
> tmp=zeros(prod(stat.dim),1);
> tmp(inside) = stat.(fn{k});
> end
> end
> stat.pos = the-set-of-template-positions (prod(stat.dim)x3)
> stat.inside = a boolean vector indexing the inside dipole positions
> Best,
> JM
> On 26 Jun 2017, at 14:57, Stephen Whitmarsh <stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Senor Schoffelen,
> C'est vrai! But what to do? I've been trying ft_source2full, but that
> doesn't do the trick. In other words, I'm back to where I started when I
> cried my first cry for help (to the FT mailinglist, not birth).
> Should I try to reshape the data to a regular grid? But can't FT do that
> somewhere brilliantly without my interference?
> Merci,
> Stephen
> On 26 June 2017 at 14:45, Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <
> jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> wrote:
>> Monsieur Stephen!
>> I would expect that prod(stat.dim), which is on the order of 5780 is
>> equal to the number of positions. This is clearly not the case. It could be
>> that this confuses ft_sourceinterpolate.
>> Best,
>> JM
>> On 26 Jun 2017, at 13:42, Stephen Whitmarsh <stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi again Mathijs :-)
>> The problem seems to be shifted toward the next step: I now want to
>> visualize the stats on an anatomical image (the same template on which the
>> subject inverse headmodels were based). For this I need to interpolate, but
>> that breals. The following datasets go into ft_sourceinterpolate:
>> stat =
>>   struct with fields:
>>                    prob: [2982×1 double]
>>             posclusters: [1×3 struct]
>>     posclusterslabelmat: [2982×1 double]
>>         posdistribution: [1×1000 double]
>>             negclusters: [1×4 struct]
>>     negclusterslabelmat: [2982×1 double]
>>         negdistribution: [1×1000 double]
>>                 cirange: [2982×1 double]
>>                    mask: [2982×1 logical]
>>                    stat: [2982×1 double]
>>                     ref: [2982×1 double]
>>                  dimord: 'pos'
>>                     dim: [17 20 17]
>>                    freq: 10.5000
>>                     pos: [2982×3 double]
>>                     cfg: [1×1 struct]
>> and:
>> template_mri =
>>   struct with fields:
>>           dim: [91 109 91]
>>       anatomy: [91×109×91 double]
>>           hdr: [1×1 struct]
>>     transform: [4×4 double]
>>          unit: 'mm'
>>      coordsys: 'spm'
>>        inside: [91×109×91 logical]
>> Now, if I run the following:
>> cfg            = [];
>> cfg.parameter  = 'stat';
>> stat_int       = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, stat, template_mri);
>> I get the following error:
>> Warning: could not reshape stat to the expected dimensions
>> > In ft_datatype_volume (line 136)
>>   In ft_checkdata (line 351)
>>   In ft_sourceinterpolate (line 170)
>> selecting subvolume of 0.0%
>> reslicing and interpolating stat
>> interpolating
>> Error using interpn (line 153)
>> Wrong number of input arguments.
>> Error in ft_sourceinterpolate>my_interpn (line 693)
>>   av(sel) = interpn(fv, ax(sel), ay(sel), az(sel), interpmethod);
>> Error in ft_sourceinterpolate (line 595)
>>           av( sel) = my_interpn(fv, ax(sel), ay(sel), az(sel),
>> cfg.interpmethod, cfg.feedback);
>> 153         error(message('MATLAB:interpn:nargin'));
>> Now, I did try to add a .statdimord field, but that didn't make a
>> difference.
>> Any idea?
>> Thanks,
>> Stephen
>> On 26 June 2017 at 13:09, Stephen Whitmarsh <stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jan-Mathijs,
>>> Indeed, adding a .dim field did it!
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Stephen
>>> On 24 June 2017 at 09:30, Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <
>>> jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> wrote:
>>>> Hi Stephen,
>>>> The error suggests that Fieldtrip does not manage to guess whether the
>>>> set of dipole positions are defined on a regular grid, or whether it’s on a
>>>> 2D mesh. Your source structure either needs a ‘dim’ field (if indeed the
>>>> positions describe a full 3D grid in an ordered way), or it needs a ‘tri’,
>>>> defining the edges between the nodes.
>>>> Best,
>>>> JM
>>>> J.M.Schoffelen, MD PhD
>>>> Senior Researcher, VIDI-fellow - PI, language in interaction
>>>> Telephone: +31-24-3614793 <+31%2024%20361%204793>
>>>> Physical location: room 00.028
>>>> Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
>>>> On 23 Jun 2017, at 16:28, Stephen Whitmarsh <
>>>> stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Jan-Mathijs,
>>>> Thanks, I've been away but back on it now.
>>>> I've been going over it again, and while plotting works fine (after
>>>> sourceinterpolate), sourcestatistics still throws the same error. Just to
>>>> be clear - i am using/creating current source-level datastructures and
>>>> without complicating things, I end up with the following data structures
>>>> that go into sourceanalysis.
>>>>          pos: [2982×3 double]
>>>>         freq: 10.5000
>>>>          cfg: [1×1 struct]
>>>>           MI: [2982×1 double]
>>>>       inside: [2982×1 logical]
>>>>     MIdimord: 'pos'
>>>> The error I keep getting is:
>>>> Error using spm_bwlabel
>>>> spm_bwlabel: CONN must be 6, 18 or 26
>>>> Error in clusterstat (line 222)
>>>>       [negclusobs, negnum] = spm_bwlabel(tmp, 2*numdims);
>>>> Error in ft_statistics_montecarlo (line 347)
>>>>   [stat, cfg] = clusterstat(cfg, statrand, statobs);
>>>> Error in ft_sourcestatistics (line 205)
>>>>   [stat, cfg] = statmethod(cfg, dat, design);
>>>> It's a mystery what might be wrong. Would you have any further leads?
>>>> Thanks again,
>>>> Stephen
>>>> On 18 May 2017 at 21:35, Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) <
>>>> jan.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Stephen,
>>>>> source2full and source2sparse are probably quite outdated, and do not
>>>>> seem to work well anymore with the latest type of source-level data
>>>>> structures. Most relevantly, the inside field these days is by default a
>>>>> boolean vector of size nposx1, whereas once upon a time the inside and
>>>>> outside fields together contained the indices of the dipole positions,
>>>>> indicating which positions are on the in-/outside.
>>>>> Do you need the source2sparse step to begin with?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> JM
>>>>> On 17 May 2017, at 16:46, Stephen Whitmarsh <
>>>>> stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>> After beamformer sourceanalysis I end up with datastructures looking
>>>>> like:
>>>>>   struct with fields:
>>>>>          freq: 10.5000
>>>>>           cfg: [1×1 struct]
>>>>>           pos: [2982×3 double]
>>>>>           pow: [2982×1 double]
>>>>>        inside: [2982×1 logical]
>>>>>     powdimord: 'pos'
>>>>> The .inside field is created by ft_selectdata used to average across
>>>>> frequencies, and contains all 1s. Running sourceanalysis with this data
>>>>> trows the following error:
>>>>> Error using spm_bwlabel
>>>>> spm_bwlabel: CONN must be 6, 18 or 26
>>>>> Error in clusterstat (line 222)
>>>>>       [negclusobs, negnum] = spm_bwlabel(tmp, 2*numdims);
>>>>> Error in ft_statistics_montecarlo (line 347)
>>>>>   [stat, cfg] = clusterstat(cfg, statrand, statobs);
>>>>> Error in ft_sourcestatistics (line 205)
>>>>>   [stat, cfg] = statmethod(cfg, dat, design);
>>>>> *222 *      [negclusobs, negnum] = spm_bwlabel(tmp, 2*numdims);
>>>>> I think this results because of a wrong estimate of the
>>>>> dimensionality, resulting from the fact that the data is represented in an
>>>>> array rather than a 3-dimensional matrix, which it seems to expect.
>>>>> I think therefor that I might need to convert my data back into a 3-d
>>>>> representation, i..e not a sparse but full representation. I have tried
>>>>> using ft_source2full, but that is not straightforward as I only have inside
>>>>> voxels/positions. In other words, I would need to do exactly the same as
>>>>> ft_source_statistics seems to want to do with spm_bwlabel.
>>>>> So I guess I might just have put FieldTrip on the wrong leg, to use a
>>>>> Dutch expression.
>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Stephen
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