[FieldTrip] surface plot with atlas limited template_grid.inside
Elena Orekhova
orekhova.elena.v at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 17:43:48 CEST 2017
Dear FT experts,
I just recently started to use Fieldtrip for my MEG data source
I would like to use an atlas with my source reconstruction. I limited
template_grid.inside to the atlas, as advised in the tutorial (
%% Create template grid based on the standard head model
load(strcat(fieldtripfolder, '/template/headmodel/standard_singleshell'));
cfg = [];
cfg.grid.xgrid = -20:step:20;
cfg.grid.ygrid = -20:step:20;
cfg.grid.zgrid = -20:step:20;
cfg.grid.unit = 'cm';
cfg.grid.tight = 'yes';
cfg.inwardshift = -1;
cfg.headmodel = vol;
template_grid = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(cfg);
%% Load atlas and create a binary mask
atlas = ft_read_atlas(strcat(fieldtripfolder,
'/template/atlas/aal/ROI_MNI_V4.nii') );
atlas = ft_convert_units(atlas,'cm');% assure that atlas and template_grid
are expressed in the %same units
cfg = []
cfg.atlas = atlas;
cfg.roi = atlas.tissuelabel; % here you can also specify a single label,
i.e. single ROI
cfg.inputcoord = 'mni';
mask = ft_volumelookup(cfg,template_grid);
% create temporary mask according to the atlas entries
tmp = repmat(template_grid.inside,1,1);
tmp(tmp==1) = 0;
tmp(mask) = 1;
% define inside locations according to the atlas based mask
template_grid.inside = tmp;
Then I performed the source reconstruction using this template_grid and
plotted the result (induced visual gamma power) on the standard brain
The resulting surface image has ‘holes’ and it does not look correct to me.
When I do not limit the template_grid.inside to the atlas it looks much
(figures are attached)
What am I doing wrong?
Best regards,
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