[FieldTrip] Postdoc on memory & iEEG in Birmingham

Maria Wimber M.Wimber at bham.ac.uk
Tue Jul 11 17:11:36 CEST 2017

Hi FieldTrippers

We are currently seeking a postdoctoral research fellow to join the Birmingham Memory Group. The position is funded by a 5-year European Research Council (ERC) grant awarded to Dr Maria Wimber (www.memorybham.com/maria-wimber<http://www.memorybham.com/maria-wimber>), which aims to draw a time- and space-resolved map of memory reactivation in the human brain. The postdoc will have the rare opportunity to work with intracranial EEG recordings from the human hippocampus, including local field potential and single neuron data. The post should be interesting for researchers with a strong background in electrophysiology - EEG/MEG/iEEG, human or animal - and a general interest in long-term memory.

More details about the position and an application link can be found here

Research Fellow - 56716 <https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?SID=amNvZGU9MTYzMjExMCZ2dF90ZW1wbGF0ZT03Njcmb3duZXI9NTAzMjUyMSZvd25lcnR5cGU9ZmFpciZicmFuZF9pZD0wJnZhY2Zpcm0udmFjdGl0bGU9NTY3MTYmcG9zdGluZ19jb2RlPTExNw==>

Deadline for applications is August 16th 2017.

Please distribute to potential candidates, who should feel free to contact the PI directly by email at m.wimber at bham.ac.uk<mailto:m.wimber at bham.ac.uk>.


Dr Maria Wimber

Senior Lecturer

School of Psychology

University of Birmingham

tel   +44 121 4144659


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