[FieldTrip] Source fitting with template MRI/Headmodel

Matt Craddock m.p.craddock at leeds.ac.uk
Tue Jan 24 22:07:05 CET 2017

Hi Tommy,

 > % Equate covariance matrices for now to rule out any differences in the
 > % source fit due to differences in covariances
 > U.cov = A.cov;

This is the problem. ft_sourceanalysis is using the covariance matrix 
and leadfield to construct a spatial filter for each grid point; if the 
covariance matrices are equivalent, the source solutions will be too.

What you need to do is something like run the source analysis on data 
averaged over both conditions first, then take the filter from the 
combined analysis and run source analysis on each condition seperately.

so say sourceAll is the result of

You'd do

cfg.grid.filter = sourceAll.avg.filter



As a quick and dirty version I just replaced the covariance matrix in A 
with the average of the two A.cov and U.cov, ran sourceanalysis on that, 
then put A.cov back to its original value and ran sourceanalysis on each 
condition seperately. Spoiler: the unattended condition has lower 
activity everywhere :)

There's some weirdness around the boundaries of the headmodel, not sure 
what's causing that exactly. Maybe try using a different source grid 
instead of the standard one...


On 24/01/2017 16:36, Tommy Wilson wrote:
> Hi Julian,
> Thank you so much for your reply.
> I've pasted the commented code below (I apologize for the code dump).
> I've also attached an m-file to this email if you'd prefer to download
> it that way. If relevant, you can download the leadfield, headmodel and
> electrode locations here
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/8w99ejwrzmwc5pt/Source_fitting_dump.mat?dl=0>
> (that file also includes the raw data stored in variables A and U that I
> am attempting to source-fit).
> As per your questions: I do indeed have a contrast between attended (A)
> and unattended (U) conditions. I've written the code below to source-fit
> both conditions and create the contrast. However, despite that the raw
> topographies (see attached images) are different, the source-fits are
> the same (...?). As a consequence, the contrast has no non-zero values.
> If instead, I normalize to noise (i.e. generate the Neural Activity
> Index
> <http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/beamformer#neural_activity_index>)
> and look at a contrast there, we again see no non-zero values.
> Outside of the contrast, I've implemented your other suggestions. I've
> rescaled the original ft_sourceplot such that you can see the extent of
> it (see attached image). To my mind, it shouldn't look like this, but
> having never done this before, I'm not quite sure what to expect. I've
> also included an image of the ft_sourceplot for the Neural Activity
> Index of sourceA which also appears to me to be artefactual. More to the
> point, I'd expect that since the topographies for A and U are different,
> the NAIs should be different, which is not the case.
> I'm sort of at a loss about how to proceed here. So, thank you very much
> for taking the time to look into this. If I can supply anything else to
> help, please don't hesitate to let me know.
> Best,
> Tommy Wilson
> --- CODE ---
> %% Source fitting protocol
> % Fieldtrip path (to find template MRI)
> ftdir = 'your\path\here\';
> % Equate covariance matrices for now to rule out any differences in the
> % source fit due to differences in covariances
> U.cov = A.cov;
> %%% Do the LCMV sourcefitting
> cfg                     = [];
> cfg.method              = 'lcmv';
> cfg.grid                = leadfield;
> cfg.vol                 = vol;
> cfg.elec                = elec;
> cfg.lcmv.lambda         = '15%';
> cfg.lcmv.keepfilter     = 'yes';
> cfg.lcmv.fixedori       = 'yes';
> cfg.lcmv.projectnoise   = 'yes';
> sourceA = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg,A);
> sourceU = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg,U);
> %%% Attempt a contrast
> % Create the contrast
> sourceContrast = sourceA;
> sourceContrast.avg.pow = sourceA.avg.pow - sourceU.avg.pow;
> % Check to see if any non-zero values exist in the contrast
> if all(sourceContrast.avg.pow(sourceContrast.inside(:)) == 0)
>     warning('No non-zero contast values exist. ft_sourceplot will give
> an error. Do not plot.');
> end
> %%% Instead of a contrast, look at the Neural Activity Index (NAI)
> % See:
> http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/beamformer#neural_activity_index
> sourceA_NAI = sourceA;
> sourceA_NAI.avg.pow = sourceA.avg.pow./sourceA.avg.noise;
> sourceU_NAI = sourceU;
> sourceU_NAI.avg.pow = sourceU.avg.pow./sourceU.avg.noise;
> if all(sourceA_NAI.avg.pow(sourceA_NAI.inside(:)) -
> sourceU_NAI.avg.pow(sourceU_NAI.inside(:))==0)
>     warning('No non-zero contast values exist. ft_sourceplot will give
> an error. Do not plot.')
> end
> %%% Visualize the output
> % Load template MRI
> mri = ft_read_mri([ftdir
> '\fieldtrip-20160309\template\anatomy\single_subj_T1.nii']);
> % Interpolate source onto MRI
> cfg            = [];
> cfg.parameter  = 'avg.pow';
> sourceA_interp  = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, sourceA, mri);
> sourceA_NAI_interp  = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, sourceA_NAI, mri);
> % Visualize with ft_sourceplot
> cfg = [];
> cfg.method        = 'ortho';
> cfg.funparameter  = 'avg.pow';
> cfg.funcolorlim   = [0 3e3];
> cfg.maskparameter = cfg.funparameter;
> ft_sourceplot(cfg, sourceA_interp);
> cfg = [];
> cfg.method        = 'ortho';
> cfg.funparameter  = 'avg.pow';
> cfg.maskparameter = cfg.funparameter;
> ft_sourceplot(cfg, sourceA_NAI_interp);
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2017 at 3:42 AM Julian Keil <julian.keil at gmail.com
> <mailto:julian.keil at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Tommy,
>     did you do some sort of contrast (e.g. with the noise estimate or a
>     baseline) after your source analysis?
>     Right now, it's not clear what you are looking at. Could you paste
>     your code not only of the sourceanalysis, but the rest after which
>     got you to the plot?
>     It might also be the case that the automatic scaling in the source
>     plot throws you off - maybe try setting it by hand.
>     Good luck,
>     Julian
>     Am 23.01.2017 um 22:00 schrieb Tommy Wilson:
>     > Hi all,
>     >
>     > I'm working with EEG data and I'm trying to get some basic source
>     fitting up and running. Unfortunately, I don't have individual
>     subject MRIs, so I'm using the templates provided by fieldtrip. I've
>     co-registered my 160 Biosemi electrodes to the standard_bem template
>     (see attached picture). For the sourcemodel, I'm using the
>     standard_sourcemodel3d5mm grid (picture attached, overlaid on
>     standard_bem). I can prepare the leadfield from there with
>     ft_prepare_leadfield (cfg.normalize = 'yes'), as per the LCMV tutorial.
>     >
>     > To test this configuration, I've selected a time window in my data
>     and averaged across it (the covariance matrix was also calculated);
>     the topography of this averaged data is attached. I then attempted a
>     source fit with the LCMV beamformer:
>     >
>     > cfg                     = [];
>     > cfg.method              = 'lcmv';
>     > cfg.grid                = leadfield;
>     > cfg.vol                 = vol;
>     > cfg.elec                = elec;
>     > cfg.lcmv.lambda         = '15%';
>     > cfg.lcmv.keepfilter     = 'yes';
>     > cfg.lcmv.fixedori       = 'yes';
>     > cfg.lcmv.projectnoise   = 'yes';
>     >
>     > sourceA = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg,A);
>     >
>     > After interpolating to the single_subj_T1.nii provided with
>     ft_sourceinterpolate and plotting with ft_sourceplot, I am given a
>     sourceplot that is highly focal in nature (see attached picture).
>     >
>     > I'd find it very surprising if this topography were generated
>     primarily by a source that isn't even inside the brain (as the
>     sourceplot indicates). So, I'm not sure exactly where/how I'm going
>     wrong with this one, nor am I sure how to trouble shoot it. Any
>     guidance you might provide would be greatly appreciated.
>     >
>     > Thanks so much,
>     >
>     > Tommy
>     >
>     > <Grid.PNG><Electrode
>     localization.PNG><Topo.PNG><Source.PNG>_______________________________________________
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