[FieldTrip] Inter-trial variability of power amplitude for time-frequency spectra

Steinmann, Iris iris.steinmann at med.uni-goettingen.de
Thu Sep 15 16:41:30 CEST 2016

Dear Fieldtripper,
I'm working on a spectral analysis of LFP data and calculated so far time-frequency spectra for every single trial. To describe the consistency/variability of phases on every time-frequency bin over trials I calculated 'Inter-trial Phase coherence (ITPC)' as described in the fieldtrip tutorial.
But, what would I do to determine the consistency/variability of the power (squared amplitude) for every time-frequency bin over trials? Maybe simply calculate for every time-frequency bin a Standard Deviation over trials and relate this to the according mean:

Variability(t,f) = Standard Deviation(t,f) / mean(t,f)

Would it be that simple, or am I running into some statistical trouble (maybe because the power values are not normally distributed or anything else). Should I baseline correct the single trials before calculating the 'variability' of the power amplitude. Or am I missing an important point and the whole idea is not meaningful at all?
Would be great if anyone has an idea, an answer, or even just a hint for a reference to read (couldn't find one so far)...


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