[FieldTrip] Problem with EGI file
Claudio Georgii
Claudio.Georgii at stud.sbg.ac.at
Mon May 30 10:53:22 CEST 2016
i guess a more convenient & less error prone way to import the trialinfo
would be to specify your own trialfun.
Within you trialfun, just search for the stimulus value (trigger value) and
add it to a 4th column of your trl structure:
% Search for trials:
stimulus_value = {event(find(strcmp('Stimulus', {event.type}))).value}';
% add to 4th colum of trl
trl(:,4) = str2double(stimulus_value);
After using ft_preprocessing, the 4th colum will be automatically added to
the trialinfo.
2016-05-30 9:48 GMT+02:00 Blume Christine <christine.blume at sbg.ac.at>:
> Dear Arti,
> You could try to adapt the following code:
> % --------------------------------
> % Load & preprocess continuous files
> % ---------------------------------
> cfg = [];
> cfg.dataset = tmpfilename;
> cfg.continuous='yes';
> cfg.hpfilter = 'yes';
> cfg.hpfilttype = 'but';
> cfg.hpfreq = 0.5; % Hz
> cfg.channel = elecs_183_selec;
> data_cont = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
> % -----------------------------------------
> % define trials
> %-----------------------------------------
> cfg = [];
> cfg.dataset = tmpfilename; % datafile to read events from
> cfg.eventformat = 'egi_mff_v2';
> cfg.trialdef.prestim = 2; % in seconds
> cfg.trialdef.poststim = 2; % in seconds
> cfg.trialdef.eventtype = {'DIN12'};
> cfgDIN12 = ft_definetrial(cfg);
> tmp_data_segm12 = ft_redefinetrial(cfgDIN12, data_cont); %Segmentation
> The problem is that for me, it does not import the trialinfo. Therefore, I
> do the segmentation (here for DIN12) separately for all triggers, then
> append all tmp_data_segm and write the following code for adding the
> trialinfo:
> data_segm.trialinfo=[ones(1, length(tmp_data_segm12.trial))*12]
> Hope that helps!
> Best,
> Christine
> <http://www.sleepscience.at/>
> ------------------------------
> *Von:* fieldtrip-bounces at science.ru.nl [fieldtrip-bounces at science.ru.nl]"
> im Auftrag von "Arti Abhishek [mailtome.2113 at gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 30. Mai 2016 05:38
> *An:* FieldTrip discussion list
> *Betreff:* [FieldTrip] Problem with EGI file
> Dear fieldtrip community,
> I am trying to analyse eeg recorded from EGI. I want to highpass filter
> the data before epoching and I managed to create the following script from
> the fieldtrip documentation. However I am getting an error (please see
> below). Could someone suggest a fix.
> Thank you,
> Arti
> datadir = 'D:\EGITest';
> dataset = fullfile(datadir, 's01_CH.mff');
> headerformat = 'egi_mff_v2';
> dataformat = 'egi_mff_v2';
> eventformat = 'egi_mff_v2';
> hdr = ft_read_header(dataset, 'headerformat', headerformat);
> dat = ft_read_data(dataset, 'headerformat', headerformat,
> 'dataformat', dataformat);
> event = ft_read_event(dataset, 'headerformat', headerformat,
> 'eventformat', eventformat);
> fg = [];
> cfg.data = dat;
> cfg.headerfile=hdr;
> cfg.trialdef.triallength = Inf;
> cfg.trialdef.ntrials = 1;
> cfg = ft_definetrial(cfg);
> cfg.hpfilter = 'yes';
> cfg.hpfreq = .1;
> cfg.hpfilttype = 'firws';
> cfg.hpfiltdir = 'onepass-zerophase';
> alldata = ft_preprocessing(cfg);
> I am getting the following error
> Undefined function 'exist' for input arguments of type
> 'struct'.
> Error in isdir (line 10)
> result = exist(dirpath,'dir') == 7;
> Error in ft_filetype (line 150)
> if isdir(filename)
> Error in ft_checkconfig (line 559)
> cfg.dataformat = ft_filetype(cfg.datafile);
> Error in ft_definetrial (line 128)
> cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'dataset2files', 'yes');
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Claudio Georgii, MSc.
Phd student
University of Salzburg - Department of Psychology
Eating Behavior Laboratory
Hellbrunnerstraße 34
5020 Salzburg - Austria
Phone: 0043- (0)662 8044 5164
E-Mail: claudio.georgii at sbg.ac.at
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