[FieldTrip] Post-Doc position in multisensory neuroimaging (MEG/EEG) studies at the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Glasgow, UK

Christoph Kayser Christoph.Kayser at glasgow.ac.uk
Tue May 3 12:16:19 CEST 2016

We are recruiting for 3 year post-doc position in the context of the EU-funded ERC project "Understanding the neural mechanisms of multisensory perception based on computational principles".

The integrative neuroscience laboratory is dedicated to understanding the integration of multisensory information in the brain. The planned studies use state of the art imaging methodology (MEG, and possibly fMRI or EEG) combined with quantitative data analysis to better understand when and how the brain combines different sensory channels to inform perception. Further details about our research can be found on our website (http://inl.ccni.gla.ac.uk/).

More details about the position and the link to the recruitment page can be found here

Job Ref:                013172
Closing data:      29th May 2016

The job requires all aspects of study design, implementation, data collection, data analysis as well as assisting in the supervision of junior lab members, presenting at conferences and participating in the writing up of the results.

Applicants should have (or expect to receive in the near future) a PhD in neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, mathematics, or a relevant discipline. We are especially interested in devotion to advanced quantitative data analysis including the capabilities to program or modify analysis code and the ideal applicant will have a strong analytical background and direct experience using MATLAB software. Experience with neuroimaging is required. Any applicant should have enthusiasm, and a clear, demonstrable capacity for acquiring expertise in these techniques.

This position is funded for up to 3 years from November 2016, at UK RA Salary Grade 6 or 7 depending on experience.

Questions may be directed to the PI: Christoph.Kayser at glasgow.ac.uk<mailto:Christoph.Kayser at glasgow.ac.uk>

I'm sorry for multiple postings!

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