[FieldTrip] colored or grey output from ft_singleplotTFR 'mask'

NIEUWLAND Mante M.Nieuwland at ed.ac.uk
Tue Mar 1 21:04:08 CET 2016

Dear Fieldtrip users,

With the same singleplotTFR script (see below), which masks the differenceplot of two conditions using the statistical result, I seem to get the expected color output in one dataset (1c1d.pdf) but unexpectedly grey output in another dataset (3c3d.pdf) *irrespective of how I set the z-lim*. I've also tried changing. Does anyone have an idea how this can happen?



chan = {'C3'}; % channel to plot

cfg = [];

cfg.interactive = 'yes';

cfg.layout = 'elec_30layout.lay';

cfg.zlim = [.9 1.1];

cfg.ylim = [30 90];

cfg.xlim = [-.5 1.5];

cfg.colorbar = 'yes';

cfg.colormap = jet;

cfg.renderer = 'painters'; %, 'painters', 'zbuffer',' opengl' or 'none' (default = [])

cfg.channel = chan;


[other subplots]


cfg.zlim = [-.2 0.2];

% singlechan effect

subplot(2, 1, 1)



linehandle = line([0 0], [30 90],'Color','b'); % line at zero

set(linehandle, 'Color', 'k');

set(gca,'fontsize', 15);

cfg.zlim = [-.2 0.2];

grandavg_hi_131_132.mask = logical(zeros(size(grandavg_hi_131_132.powspctrm)));

grandavg_hi_131_132.mask(:,3:27,121:251) = statisTFR_hi_131_132.mask;

cfg.maskstyle = 'saturation'; % 'saturation'; % 'outline'; % opacity

cfg.maskparameter = 'mask';



title(' ','fontsize',15);

linehandle = line([0 0], [30 90],'Color','b');

set(linehandle, 'Color', 'k');

set(gca,'fontsize', 15);

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