[FieldTrip] running FT scripts in a supercomputing cluster
Anne Urai
anne.urai at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 10:43:19 CEST 2016
Hi Jose,
When calling mcc from Matlab, a dependency analysis is first carried out
(at least in more recent versions of Matlab) - basically, Matlab goes
through the script you're compiling and finds all the functions that are
called (which must be on the path). These are all added to the executable.
In principle, if all the folders you need are on the path (which should be
okay when you call ft_default), the executable can run.
Now, only in the case when the dependency analysis doesn't recognize
certain functions (because they are, for example, generated through
str2func) you should add them manually. I found this out through trial and
error - I'd first try to compile using the bare bones
mcc('-mv', '-N', '-R', '-nodisplay', '-R', '-singleCompThread', 'FT_0.m');
when you then run the executable, you'll get an error message if a function
or a toolbox is missing (and then you can add only those that you need and
compile again).
In your FT_0.sh, you should indeed load the MCR - otherwise, the executable
can't run. For this, I'd recommend contacting the admin of the
supercomputer cluster, since the way I do it on the cluster here is
specific to the setup. You'll probably have to activate this in your
FT_0.sh yourself and add the path to the cache of each node (something
like export MCR_CACHE_ROOT=$TMPDIR).
Good luck!
Anne E. Urai, MSc
PhD student | Institut für Neurophysiologie und Pathophysiologie
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf | Martinistrasse 52, 20246 |
Hamburg, Germany
www.anneurai.net / @AnneEUrai <https://twitter.com/AnneEUrai>
From: Jose <joseluisblues at gmail.com> <joseluisblues at gmail.com>
Reply: Jose <joseluisblues at gmail.com> <joseluisblues at gmail.com>
Date: 15 June 2016 at 19:14:43
To: Anne Urai <anne.urai at gmail.com> <anne.urai at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [FieldTrip] running FT scripts in a supercomputing cluster
Hi Anne,
Thanks for the detailed response,
I have a couple questions if I may,
So, if I understand well I need to know a priori which functions I want to
use?. That's a bit strange, no? Because I don't know if any given function
depend of another one which I might not notice if don't inspect all the
The other thing is that I was trying to compile in the cluster, not
locally, but anyway I tried locally with something like this:
% these paths will be added at compilation
% options: compile verbose, only use the toolboxes we really need
% !!! runtime options should be preceded by - to work!
% dont need to activate the -nojvm flag, can still plot from executable
mcc('-mv', '-N', '-p', 'stats', '-p', 'images', '-p', 'signal', ...
'-R', '-nodisplay', '-R', '-singleCompThread', ...
'/home/joseluis/Documents/Software/fieldtrip-20160317/ft_preprocessing', ...
However when I copy FT_0 and run_FT_0.sh and run the job I get:
./FT_0: error while loading shared libraries: libmwmclmcrrt.so.8.1: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
Which looking in Internet seems to be associated to the fact I need to run
a mrc installer in the cluster?
On 15 June 2016 at 11:03, Anne Urai <anne.urai at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Jose,
> I ran into similar dependencies issues when compiling fieldtrip, and
> converged on the following:
> % these paths will be added at compilation
> addpath(genpath('~/code/Tools'));
> addpath('~/Documents/fieldtrip');
> ft_defaults; % add everything to path that we need
> addpath('~/Documents/fieldtrip/qsub');
> addpath(genpath('~/Documents/fieldtrip/template/')); % neighbouring
> matfile
> if strcmp(fname, 'B3a_clusterStatsERF.m') || strcmp(fname,
> 'B3b_clusterStatsTFR.m'),
> addpath('~/Documents/fieldtrip/statfun/'); % need the combineClusters
> mex file
> addpath('~/Documents/fieldtrip/external/spm8/'); % for neighbour
> definition
> %
> http://mailman.science.ru.nl/pipermail/fieldtrip/2014-July/008238.html
> end
> % options: compile verbose, only use the toolboxes we really need
> % !!! runtime options should be preceded by - to work!
> % dont need to activate the -nojvm flag, can still plot from executable
> if strcmp(fname, 'B3a_clusterStatsERF.m') || strcmp(fname,
> 'B3b_clusterStatsTFR.m'),
> % statfun is called with a weird eval construction, so not recognized
> % by the dependency analysis of mcc
> mcc('-mv', '-N', '-p', 'stats', '-p', 'images', '-p', 'signal', ...
> '-R', '-nodisplay', '-R', '-singleCompThread', ...
> '-a', '~/Documents/fieldtrip/ft_statistics_montecarlo.m', ...
> '-a', '~/Documents/fieldtrip/statfun/ft_statfun_depsamplesT.m',
> ...
> fname);
> else
> % no need to specify additional files
> mcc('-mv', '-N', '-p', 'stats', '-p', 'images', '-p', 'signal', ...
> '-R', '-nodisplay', '-R', '-singleCompThread', ...
> fname);
> end
> So, the trick is to add everything to your path before comping, and then
> use the -N option and define specific folders and possible functions using
> -a. Make sure to only include additional subfolders from Fieldtrip (such as
> the templates folder) only if you need them, for including them will
> increase the size of the executable considerably. Also, some functions like
> the ft_statistics ones are not directly called but instead evaluated using statmethod
> = str2func(['ft_statistics_' cfg.method]) - this causes the dependency
> analysis of the compiler to skip those functions, so you'll have to add
> them manually.
> PS a similar setup should work directly from the command line mcc, but I
> found it easier to run ft_defaults from Matlab and then compile from within
> a Matlab script.
> Hope this helps!
> —
> Anne E. Urai, MSc
> PhD student | Institut für Neurophysiologie und Pathophysiologie
> Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf | Martinistrasse 52, 20246 |
> Hamburg, Germany
> www.anneurai.net / @AnneEUrai <https://twitter.com/AnneEUrai>
> On 10 June 2016 at 10:42, Jose <joseluisblues at gmail.com> wrote:
>> dear list,
>> I'm trying to analyse CTF MEG data through the Flemish Supercomputer
>> Centre,
>> I did a matlab script to run the foremost FT functions in my pipeline
>> (ft_read_event, read_ctf_cls, and ft_preprocessing). This script works well
>> when I run it locally. To compile my function in the supercomputing cluster
>> I initially used addpath to include FT and ft_defaults to set the
>> configuration inside my script, but this wasn't working. I tried using a
>> startup.m script but this doesn't work neither. Maybe I'm missing
>> something? My bash script to compile looks like this:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> module load MATLAB/2013b
>> FTDIR=$VSC_DATA_VO_USER/fieldtrip-20160317
>> mcc -mv FT_0.m
>> I also tried mcc -mv FT_0.m -I $FTDIR
>> I run my compilation in the same folder where I have the FT folder.
>> When I run my bash job I get always the same error: Undefined function
>> 'ft_read_event' for input arguments of type 'char'.
>> I've been looking elsewhere but still I haven't find a solution,
>> Any hints about this would really appreciated,
>> best,
>> Jose
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