[FieldTrip] Evoked Power

Quentin Moreau quentin_moreau6 at orange.fr
Mon Jun 20 12:50:54 CEST 2016

Dear Fieldtrip users,

I am new in the EEG analysis, and in Fieldtrip coding. 
Anyway, for my analysis in the frequency domain, I would like to only have the Evoked Power. 
After reading a few previous discussions, I realize that the matter isn’t clear for everyone.. 
My question is this one: would that be a good idea to extract the power from previously computed ERPs, to be sure to only get the Evoked Power ?

Thank you for your answers,

Quentin Moreau

Ph.D. student in Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience
Department of Psychology AgliotiLab, "Sapienza" University of Rome
IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy 
email: quentin_moreau6 at orange.fr

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