[FieldTrip] channel combination after wpli

Richard Bethlehem rb643 at medschl.cam.ac.uk
Sat Jul 23 12:51:15 CEST 2016

Dear Fieltrippers,

After running ft_connectivityanalysis on a subset of pre-processed resting-state EEG data the dimord is still listed as chan_freq_time (where the first dimension is simply all the pairwise channel comparisons). If I want to run subsequent network analysis on this the ft_networkanalysis require a chan_chan_freq_time matrix. Is there any way to convert this so that I can run the network analysis or am I missing a setting in the connectivity analysis that would give me that output?

This is the code I used (my entire resting-state recording has been replaced into 4 second segments in order to get 'trials' for the WPLI connectivity function:

    cfg_freq = [];

    cfg_freq.method = 'wavelet';

    cfg_freq.output = 'powandcsd';

    cfg_freq.channel = 1:64;

    cfg_freq.keeptrials ='yes'; %do not return an average of all trials for subsequent wpli analysis

    cfg_freq.toi = [0.5:0.05:3.5];


    cfg_freq.foi = [2:0.02:4];

    cfg_freq.width = 3; %small width for low frequency

    [freq_data.delta] = ft_freqanalysis(cfg_freq, data_iccleaned);

    cfg_conn = [];

    cfg_conn.method = 'wpli';

    conn.delta = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg_conn, freq_data.delta);


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