[FieldTrip] 2016 Tuebingen MEG Symposium, Oct 26-27

Nima Noury nima.noury at student.uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Jul 22 13:00:16 CEST 2016

The MEG Center Tuebingen is pleased to announce the
       2016 Tuebingen MEG Symposium
The symposium takes place on October 26 and 27, 2016 at the University  
Hospital’s Conference Center. The meeting brings together leading  
researchers in the field of MEG and related disciplines.
Join us to learn about the latest  advances in MEG research and beyond.

Confirmed speakers:

Radoslaw Cichy, Berlin
Michael Cohen, Nijmegen
Freek van Ede, Oxford
Stefan Haufe, New York
Vladimir Litvak, London
Laura Marzetti, Chieti
Satu Palva, Helsinki
Rafael Polania, Zurich
Martin Vinck, New Haven
Mark Woolrich, Oxford

For more information and registration, please visit:

Please forward this information to any of your colleagues and  
collaborators that may be interested in the symposium.

Nima Noury
AG Large-Scale Neuronal Interactions
Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (CIN)
University of Tübingen
Otfried Müller-Straße 25
72076 Tübingen

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