[FieldTrip] How to interpret content of partial PLV-spectrum when dimensionality is inconsistent with dimord?

Katarina Slama slama at berkeley.edu
Tue Jan 5 01:14:42 CET 2016

Dear Fieldtrip community,

Happy new year!

I have a question about computing partial PLV-values using

When I try to compute PLV-values, and request that one channel be
partialized, the resulting PLV-spectrum has the dimensionality 27 x 27 x 28
x 3, while dimord reports it to be: chan_chan_freq. Why this inconsistency,
and how should I interpret the contents of this PLV-spectrum?

I provide information about my input and output structures below.

input structure (freq):
label: {'34'  '35'  '36'  '37'  '38'  '39'  '44'  '45'  '47'  '48'  '49'
 '50'  '51'  '52'  '53'  '54'  '55'  '56'  '57'  '62'  '63'  '64'  '76'
 '77'  '80'  '99' '100'  '101'}
dimord: 'rpttap_chan_freq'
freq: [2.0000 3.0000 4.0000]
fourierspctrm: [220x28x3 double]
cumsumcnt: [220x1 double]
cumtapcnt: [220x1 double]
trialinfo: [220x1 double]
cfg: [1x1 struct]

configuration structure (cfg):
method: 'plv'
partchannel: {'34'}

plv_struct = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg,freq);

output structure (plv_struct):
label: {27x1 cell}
dimord: 'chan_chan_freq'
plvspctrm: [4-D double]
freq: [2.0000 3.0000 4.0000]
dof: 220
cfg: [1x1 struct]

Thank you very much for your help!

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