[FieldTrip] Fieldtrip compatibility

saeed zahran saeedzahran at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 3 00:49:25 CET 2016

Dear Fieldtrip team,

Hope you are well and in good health,

I am a PhD student in Compiegne University, working on "source 
localization and connectivity study of the sources of uterine activity 
for the prediction of the preterm labor''.

The uterine electrical activity, measured noninvasively on the woman's 
abdomen by means of surface electrodes is referred to as the 
electrohysterogram (EHG= uterine electromyogram).

We have the meshes of the uterus layers segmented from MRI, and we have a
 database for real pregnancy and labor signal. My question is does 
Fieldtrip toolbox able to deal with my data?

Best regards,

Saeed Zahran 		 	   		  
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