[FieldTrip] Neuromag/ Elekta 306 layout file

Peter Goodin pgoodin at swin.edu.au
Mon Feb 8 20:44:39 CET 2016

Hi Sreenivasan,

Try using the neuromag306all.lay and neuromag306cmb.lay layout files.


On 9 Feb 2016 6:10 AM, "Sreenivasan R. Nadar, Ph.D." <sreenivasan.r.nadar at gmail.com> wrote:

Anybody has a layout file for Elekta/Neuromag system? I downloaded the file from the following discussion list: http://mailman.science.ru.nl/pipermail/fieldtrip/2007-March/001019.html. However, this layout file give errors (i.e., Attempt to reference field of non-structure array) when I use it for ft_topoplotIC(cfg,components).  Am I missing something? I used the following commands:

clear all

cfg = [];
cfg.dataset     = 'C071_resting_150608.fif';
cfg.hpfilter = 'yes'
cfg.hpfreq   = 1;
cfg.channel = {'MEG', '-STI001', '-STI002','-STI003','-STI004', '-STI005',...,

data_continuous = ft_preprocessing(cfg);

%resample the data to 100Hz
cfg = [];
cfg.resamplefs = 100;
[data] = ft_resampledata(cfg, data_continuous)

%% running ICA and cleaning data
cfg = [];
cfg.method = 'runica';
comp = ft_componentanalysis(cfg, data);

cfg = [];
cfg.component = [1:50];
cfg.layout = 'NM306all.mat';
cfg.comment = 'no';
ft_topoplotIC(cfg, comp);

Thank you


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