[FieldTrip] ft_timelockgrandaverage with trials

Diepeveen, Mary-Jo Mary-Jo.Diepeveen at mpi.nl
Wed Feb 24 11:01:04 CET 2016

Hello all,

I have done an EEG study in which I have four conditions per subjects and two different subject groups. I would now like to compare the same condition between the two subject groups. To do this, I first tried ft_timelockanalysis with cfg.keeptrials=' yes'  after which I tried to do ft_timelockgrandaverage. I get the following message: Warning depreciating trial field using the avg to compute the grand average (bug2372). After some googling I found an old post saying that ft_timelockgrandaverage does not support input data with "trial" field, meaning then that what I am trying to do is not possible. Trying to do the statistics after anyways also did not work because I need the .trial field. The post I found is however, from 2014 so I was wondering if this problem is fixed now. I have thought of my own way around this, but I was wondering if you maybe have any ideas too.


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