[FieldTrip] New postdoctoral position supporting a multi-site MEG data cohort

Krish Singh singhkd at cardiff.ac.uk
Fri Feb 19 00:52:43 CET 2016

Dear All,

re: Research Associate in Multi-site MEG Data Cohort Management & Analysis

We have just advertised an additional 2-year Research Associate post supporting
the establishment of a multi-site database of normative
Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) data, collected across all UK MEG
laboratories, and the development of common management and analysis
pipelines for mining this resource. The post will be based at the Cardiff
University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), part of the School of
Psychology at Cardiff University, but will involve tight integration with
the eight Universities within an MRC-funded MEG Partnership grant.

​For full details and how to apply:


​Best Wishes,


Prof. Krish Singh
School of Psychology / Ysgol Seicoleg
Cardiff University /  Prifysgol Caerdydd
Park Place / Plas y Parc
Cardiff  / Caerdydd
CF10 3AT, UK
Tel / Ffôn: 02920 874690 / 870365
Fax / Ffacs: 02920 870339
Email / Ebost : singhkd at cardiff.ac.uk
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