[FieldTrip] Strange plots with ft_clusterplot

Marco Rotonda marco.rotonda at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 22:35:45 CEST 2016

Hi there,
I'm trying to plot some data but I have some strange behaviour not from
ft_clusterplot, but from ft_topoplotTFR.
I ran the code on matlab 2015b and 2016a, fiedtrip version of 30/08 and
I mean it seems that the configuration options of ft_clusterplot are taken
fine, while the options of ft_topoplotTFR (like the colormap!) is not.
Seems like a problem of Axes.

I've exaggerated a bit the configuration to have a better idea.
Here is the code:
cfg = [];
cfg.alpha  = 0.05;
cfg.parameter = 'stat';
% cfg.interactive = 'yes';
cfg.highlightcolorpos =[255 255 255];
cfg.layout = 'easycapM11.mat';
% cfg.maskparameter = 1;
cfg.colorbar = 'yes';
cfg.zlim =  [-9 18];
cfg.shading =  'interp';
cfg.gridscale = 300;
cfg.contournum = 10;
cfg.colormap = gray(10);
cfg.markersymbol = '.';
cfg.markersize = 12;
cfg.markercolor = [0 0.69 0.94];
cfg.subplotsize  = [1 1];
cfg.marker = 'on';
cfg.highlight = 'on';
ft_clusterplot(cfg, statdelta);

Here the console log:
>> plot_cluster
the input is freq data with 30 channels, 1 frequencybins and no timebins
Warning: The field cfg.highlight is forbidden, it will be removed from your

> In ft_checkconfig (line 208)
  In ft_clusterplot (line 82)
  In plot_cluster (line 20)
reading layout from file easycapM11.mat
the call to "ft_prepare_layout" took 0 seconds
There are 6 clusters smaller than alpha (0.05)
Negative cluster: 1, pvalue: 0.00019996 (*), f = 2.4414 to 2.4414
Negative cluster: 2, pvalue: 0.00079984 (*), f = 2.4414 to 2.4414
Negative cluster: 3, pvalue: 0.0091982 (*), f = 2.4414 to 2.4414
Negative cluster: 4, pvalue: 0.015797 (x), f = 2.4414 to 2.4414
Negative cluster: 5, pvalue: 0.017596 (x), f = 2.4414 to 2.4414
Negative cluster: 6, pvalue: 0.04819 (x), f = 2.4414 to 2.4414
making subplot 1 from 1
the call to "ft_clusterplot" took 2 seconds

Here the result:
[image: Immagine incorporata 1]

Any Idea?

Thanks in advance

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