[FieldTrip] Number of shells in OpenMEEG

Martijn Vlaar - 3ME M.P.Vlaar at tudelft.nl
Thu Nov 19 09:58:52 CET 2015

Dear all,

I am interested in including the CSF in the forward model.

In ft_headmodel_openmeeg at line 75 there is an error message: "More than 3 shells not allowed". In the OpenMEEG documentation I do not find such a limitation.

Could someone clarify why the OpenMEEG-related function in fieldtrip is restricted to 1, 2 or 3 shells?

Thank you in advance!

Martijn Vlaar

Ir. Martijn Vlaar
Delft University of Technology
BioMechanical Engineering
Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)1527 85625
fax: +31 (0)1527 84717
mobile: +31 (0)618081635

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