[FieldTrip] Source Reconstruction: MNI or subject space

Tzvetan Popov tzvetan.popov at uni-konstanz.de
Mon May 18 20:02:05 CEST 2015

Dear Rajat,

one option that is widely used by FieldTrip users, I believe, is the computation of source model aligned in MNI space while retaining the individual head model. This FAQ explains how to do this.


> Dear FieldTrippers,
> When you have to perform source reconstruction, do you do it in MNI space (after warping the T1 image to MNI coordinates?) or is it better to do it in the individual subject space?
> Thank you.
> Rajat
> Rajat Mani Thomas
> Social Brain Lab
> Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
> Amsterdam
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