[FieldTrip] Importing Time Markers

Connor Prevost cprevos at g.clemson.edu
Wed Jun 10 16:02:34 CEST 2015

To whom it may concern,

When doing initial testing/ recording of TMS-EEG data, some of the time
markers were lost/not recorded properly. I wrote a code in MATLAB which
would allow me to find the exact time where the time markers or "triggers"
should be placed. However, I do not know how to import and/or convert the
found time markers to be able to run through the fieldtrip program.

The question is how can I read my time markers from the NAME.mat file
or convert it into something similar to the NAME.vmrk file which is
created when data is in EEG format.

Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated!

All the Best,

Connor M. Prevost
Bio-Engineering Clemson University '17
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