[FieldTrip] Cluster-based permutation test (CBPT)

Johanna Zumer johanna.zumer at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 20:30:15 CEST 2015

Dear Jose,

It appears from lines within the error message that you are using Fieldtrip
version 20140311.  Is that right?    If you update to the latest version,
do you still get the error?
Also, what version of Matlab are you using?

Kind regards,
On 11 Jul 2015 04:23, "José Antonio Uriguen Garaizabal" <
jose.uriguen at deusto.es> wrote:

> Dear all
> I am trying to implement a CBPT to compare data extracted from EEG
> recordings of a group of patients vs control.
> In short, I have 19 channels, 10 subjects of each type and 115
> measurements per channel and subject to be compared. I am trying to find
> significative differences in a range of measurements (say from the 10th to
> the 20th) at all/most/some channels, reason why I am trying to use the
> cluster-based approach.
> After somehow following the instrunctions in "
> http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/cluster_permutation_timelock"
> for within-subjects experiments I think I have my data properly structured
> according to FT needs. However, when I run the last part of the code
> (ft_timelockstatistics) I get the following warning and error:
> *Warning: Using 'state' to set RAND's internal state causes RAND, RANDI,
> and RANDN to use legacy random number generators.  This*
> *syntax will be removed in a future release.  See Updating Your Random
> Number Generator Syntax to use RNG to replace the old syntax. *
> *> In rng>handleLegacyStruct at 155*
> *  In rng at 81*
> *  In utilities\private\randomseed at 73*
> *  In utilities\private\ft_preamble_randomseed at 11*
> *  In ft_preamble at 48*
> *  In ft_statistics_montecarlo at 110*
> *  In fieldtrip-20140311\private\statistics_wrapper at 308*
> *  In ft_timelockstatistics at 108*
> *  In FT_permTest at 73 *
> *Error using rng (line 81)*
> *S must contain generator settings captured previously using S = RNG.*
> *Error in randomseed (line 73)*
> *      rng(s);*
> *Error in ft_preamble_randomseed (line 11)*
> *ftFuncRandomseed=randomseed(cfg.randomseed);*
> *Error in ft_preamble (line 48)*
> *  evalin('caller', ['ft_preamble_' cmd]);*
> *Error in ft_statistics_montecarlo (line 110)*
> *ft_preamble randomseed*
> *Error in statistics_wrapper (line 308)*
> *    [stat, cfg] = statmethod(cfg, dat, design);*
> *Error in ft_timelockstatistics (line 108)*
> *[stat, cfg] = statistics_wrapper(cfg, varargin{:});*
> *Error in FT_permTest (line 73)*
> *[stat] = ft_timelockstatistics(cfg, subjN{:}, subjE{:}); *
> Anyone knows why?
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Jose Antonio Urigüen
> PostDoc at Deustotech-LIFE (eVIDA Research Group)
> http://evida.deusto.es/
> University of Deusto
> Facultad de Ingeniería, 4ª Planta
> Avda/Universidades 24. 48007 Bilbao. Spain
> Mov.- +34 656 711 643 <%2B34%20619%2096%2072%2023>
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