[FieldTrip] Fwd: help with topoplot_TFR

Tzvetan Popov tzvetan.popov at uni-konstanz.de
Mon Feb 2 17:46:00 CET 2015

Hi Payashi,
I’m forwarding your message to the list again.
> Dear Tzvetan,
> Thank you, that works perfectly. Many apologies, this is the last question. Is it possible to topographically represent the change in alpha/delta ratio (i.e. one epoch in time from another) ? I have calculated this by selecting two epochs of time from my 'ADR' matrix and subtracting them. However, I get the following error message when I put this into topoplot ER

I suspect you should check whether you did the subtraction properly. Regarding to this you should check the functionality of ft_selectdata (select the epochs) and ft_math(subtract them). I suggest you try these first and see whether the input to ft_topoplotER is properly organized.
> Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
> Error in topoplot_common (line 556)
>       dat = dat(sellab, xmin:xmax);
> Error in ft_topoplotER (line 192)
> cfg = topoplot_common(cfg, varargin{:});
> Many thanks
> Payashi
> ****
> Dr Payashi Garry MB BChir FRCA
> Specialty Registrar in Anaesthetics and BRC Research Fellow
> Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
> John Radcliffe Hospital
> Oxford OX3 9DU
> Tel: 01865 572878
> On 29 Jan 2015, at 18:31, Tzvetan Popov <tzvetan.popov at uni-konstanz.de> wrote:
>> Hi Payashi,
>>>  I have computed the ratio per sample and called it ADR. It is a 14x1x480 matrix (channels x freq x time).
>> good, so now you squeeze(ADR) in order to get the actual ‘chan_time’ representation. Then you introduce a new variable say tlk_ADR:
>> tlk_ADR.avg      =ADR;
>> tlk_ADR.label    = freq_ADR.label;
>> tlk_ADR.dimord = freq_ADR.dimord;
>> tlk_ADR.time     = freq_ADR.time;
>> tlk_ADR.elec     = freq_ADR.elec;
>> then you call all plotting functions that deal with time domain signals such as ft_multiplotER, ft_singleplotER and ft_topoplotER. Not …TFR. 
>> So your code would look like;
>>> cfg=[];
>>> cfg.xlim = [3000 3200];
>>> cfg.colorbar = 'yes';
>>> figure
>>> ft_topoplotER(cfg, tlk_ADR);
>> good luck
>> tzvetan

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