[FieldTrip] Convert .mat to .ds

Herring, J.D. (Jim) j.herring at donders.ru.nl
Thu Aug 20 09:37:20 CEST 2015

Dear Daphne,

I have checked for you and the newest available version of fieldtrip (also fieldtrip-lite) includes writeCTFds.m in the folder 'fieldtrip\external\ctf\'. I have also checked a version from 2010 and it was there back then as well.



From: fieldtrip-bounces at science.ru.nl [mailto:fieldtrip-bounces at science.ru.nl] On Behalf Of Daphné Bertrand-Dubois
Sent: woensdag 19 augustus 2015 17:19
To: fieldtrip at science.ru.nl
Subject: [FieldTrip] Convert .mat to .ds


I have data (from the MEG at ITAB) that cannot be process by fieldtrip. Howerver, we have convert them into .mat file and I would like them to be in .ds format so I can process the data.

I read this message:

" Hello z.imane

To convert .mat to .ds, try using the function writeCTFds.m located in the

fieldtrip folder /fieldtrip/external/ctf/


Bankim Subhash Chander "

But I did not find the "external" folder with the function writeCTFd.m inside. Maybe it is because I have the new version?

Best regards,

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