[FieldTrip] Newbie question on WPLI

Tzvetan Popov tzvetan.popov at uni-konstanz.de
Fri Nov 7 09:27:39 CET 2014

Dear Wang Jing,

one way to get you started would be:
1.Read the ascii delimited data into matlab: http://www.mathworks.de/help/matlab/ref/dlmread.html

2.Create a data structure FieldTrip can deal with. Something along this lines:

tmpdat.label={'C3' ;'C4'};% subfield with your labels
fsample=1000; % for a sampling rate of 1000 this would be one second
tmpdat.time = {nan(1,1000)};% create your time vector
tmpdat.time{1}=(1:1:1000);% fill the time vector
tmpdat.trial = {nan(2,length(tmpdat.time{1}))};

3. Fill the NaN fields with your data from step 1.

Good luck

> Hi,
> I am a newbie in FieldTrip. I want to calculate wpli (weighted phase lag index) of two time series, e.g. EEG collected from C3 and C4. The data are ASCII format. Could you indicate me how to proceed? Thanks a lot!
> Regards,
> Wang Jing
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