[FieldTrip] Spatio-temporal cluster-based permutation analysis on EEG sources

Emma Holmes eh776 at york.ac.uk
Mon Nov 3 14:01:32 CET 2014

Hi Stan,

Thanks for the suggestion.

When I try that, I get the following error

   ??? Error using ==> ft_datatype_source at 173
   unsupported version "upcoming" for source datatype

   Error in ==> ft_sourcegrandaverage at 82
     varargin{i} = ft_datatype_source(varargin{i}, 'version', 'upcoming');

I am unsure why this occurs.

My data is now structured in the following way:
data = <20x1 cell> % one cell array for each participant, n=20
data{i}.pos = [902629x3  double] % x,y,z positions
data{i}.dim = [91 109 91]
data{i}.time = [1 x 11 double] % vector of time points
data{i}.avg.pow = [902629 x 11 double] % source estimates

The following is the method I use:
cfg = [];
cfg.keepindividual = 'yes';
cfg.parameter = 'pow';
grandavgA = ft_sourcegrandaverage(cfg, data{:});


On 31 October 2014 16:02, Stan van Pelt<s.vanpelt at fcdonders.ru.nl>

> Hi Emma,
> Try using data{i}.avg.pow instead of data{i}.pow.avg
> (or use cfg.funparameter    = 'pow.avg' instead of cfg.funparameter    =
> 'avg.pow')
> Best,
> Stan
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