[FieldTrip] deadline extended for the Neurobiology of Cognition GRC/GRS!

Lucia Melloni lmelloni at gmail.com
Mon May 5 01:10:07 CEST 2014

Dear colleagues,

The deadline for application and abstract submission for the Gordon
Research Seminar has been extended to the *15th of May*. Please submit your
application and abstract soon!.
We are very much looking forward to receiving your contributions and to a
vibrant seminar.
We have also added a mentorship component which promises to provide us with
important tips for a successful transition from postdoc to PI.
Looking forward to seeing you at the GRS/GRC!
Lucia Melloni.
Ayelet A. Landau

  [image: Gordon Research Conferences]

Join us at the 2014 *Gordon Conference* and *Seminar* On

*Neurobiology of

Circuits, Dynamics, Action and Perception

We are meeting *July 20-25, 2014 -*New GRC site: *Sunday River
Newry, Maine

Click *here*<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001WmUIQVsC75imVB3bWl9ZZPIlEuZLUMcBQfSHB8NCzlGRCh10gpaIVlyjuedrrMUIt_rVaFgHt4LRQhIU5dMvuzc4eDhC44ltvU1kWI9IsilkBLKjMWUUwgkTLGwEuu3wODhwtkW-uD2vrMe1r-6oNb5UNzGRL-Mqof35Ifmamifw7WMegE7mYHwLBXYQotzxHeSCOGv8oIXy8IBZvuF3Av10oqSWTE-l2iAivF60zP4=&c=2XsJEd2Mr-oC81-GO5JVDJCkC3NkdpRhCK6OK-c_H-n92_mytkxcVg==&ch=tfGBLHFYneXvyQQ5tKlVnfyRp37dQluMVMbPwI0KQg_4FVfRKnSYDA==>to
see the
*GRC* program.

There is also an associated *GRS* *July 19-20 *for students and postdocs

Click *here*<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001WmUIQVsC75imVB3bWl9ZZPIlEuZLUMcBQfSHB8NCzlGRCh10gpaIVlyjuedrrMUIdbDiLIxtZ-MhvhSdQcDtQOxwkerfM_Fh2sw9n5tMBMpRIv9vn8xHJFD2NwN1vCQQ70Z8NYtpwFMcpIs20q5u4HuPYrU19F8_sopuGW2GkQnh-fKiVlXxYATbV4FETEPUo6-7iscSDdYqo567crFmktYFfLOrT6Rf_0_QIVK0pEM=&c=2XsJEd2Mr-oC81-GO5JVDJCkC3NkdpRhCK6OK-c_H-n92_mytkxcVg==&ch=tfGBLHFYneXvyQQ5tKlVnfyRp37dQluMVMbPwI0KQg_4FVfRKnSYDA==>to
see the
*GRS* website.

*GRS* application & abstract deadline to be considered for oral
presentation- *May

*Please use attached **flyer
**to help spread the word! *

The Neurobiology of Cognition is a recently-inaugurated GRC designed to
foster convergence of traditional neuroscience investigations with more
recent developments in systems, cellular and molecular neurobiology, in
engineering and imaging and in computational sciences. Cognition is
construed broadly to embrace empirical findings in a range of species
including humans, and there is a strong focus on integration of findings
and principles across species and levels of analysis.

In the opening Keynote Session, two leading neuroscientists with provide an
experimental and computational perspective on the recent initiative, termed
Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN). This
initiative, spearheaded by the President and NIH, is aimed at developing
innovative methodologies to study how complex systems of neurons interact
in time and in space during complex behaviors. Along with recent findings
in a few traditional "core" areas, formal sessions will then explore
several new themes, including: 1) the neuroanatomy and 2) coordination of
cognitive circuits in the brain, 3) motor cognition and brain-computer
interfaces, 4) music and language, and 5) learning and plasticity. The
program juxtaposes human psychophysical, neuroimaging and
electrophysiological studies with parallel investigations in rodents and
non-human primates, and with computational approaches that explicate
empirical findings and construct robust, detailed models to represent the
developing picture and guide future experimentation. The program also
underscores novel experimental and theoretical approaches that promise to
define fundamental principles that guide and integrate the understanding of
cognition at a fundamental level, and to extend these to improved treatment
of brain dysfunction. The format of the meeting promotes intensive
interactions among investigators and trainees from different perspectives
and analytic levels, and in particular, between experimentalists and
theorists. There is a linked Gordon Research Seminar for trainees, most of
whom also attend the GRC.

All that is missing now is your *application* to attend.

Click *here*<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001WmUIQVsC75imVB3bWl9ZZPIlEuZLUMcBQfSHB8NCzlGRCh10gpaIVlyjuedrrMUIHNB4q8pyAQWjM08qSitRbjz6mP10T9_b3xZKrIxmgwmqIpJU1RKQN6shHHT-UfT1iwT6NcR3-G8kEg0T3h_1T6u755tycQH6YVxyfWPwQLyCxkvq3fj62Lf7wC_N3g6IaWMaLY3dUW4=&c=2XsJEd2Mr-oC81-GO5JVDJCkC3NkdpRhCK6OK-c_H-n92_mytkxcVg==&ch=tfGBLHFYneXvyQQ5tKlVnfyRp37dQluMVMbPwI0KQg_4FVfRKnSYDA==>for
*GRC*.   Click*
*GRS*. (You must apply to both to attend both.)

Best regards,

    GRC Chair:  *Charles E.
GRC V. Chair:*Tatiana

    GRS Chair:  *Lucia
              GRS Assoc. Chair: *Ayelet N.

and see why our attendees consistently rate GRCs

"the best conference I've attended this year"!

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