[FieldTrip] Multiple source inversion problems for group MNE analysis

Peter Goodin pgoodin at swin.edu.au
Thu May 1 07:30:41 CEST 2014

Hi Fieldtrip list,

I'm trying to do group source analysis using MNE but have run into a bit of a snag.

After running ft_sourceanalysis (data is 1600ms / 901 data points, source model has been made via SPM (8196 verticies), head model through segmentation of the individual's MRI - all looks to be aligned, similar to the output of SPM (see  and plots sensibly using ft_sourcemovie) I've tried running ft_sourceinterpolation using the data on an individual's MRI (freshly read in using ft_read_mri) or the SPM T1 template (also using ft_read_mri).

If using the individual's MRI (dimensions = 256 256 176), with or without downsampling, after an hour or so I get an out of memory error and that's that. Running it with the template works fine and is finished ~90 seconds. The results using ft_sourceplot (ortho method) however don't look right (see interp.jpg). Additionally there's no field in the interpolated's cfg about anatomy afterward.

So taking another route and just trying to use ft_sourcegrandaverage on the output of ft_sourcelocalisation I'm met with
"??? Error using ==> ft_sourcegrandaverage at 111
different grid locations in source reconstructions"

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong and would appreciate any help. An abridged version of the script I'm using for mass conversion to source space is below:

    sourcemodel = ft_read_headshape(gii_list(i,:)); <-- this is the ...2cortex_8196.surf.gii mesh from spm

    mri = ft_read_mri([structdir mri_list(i,1:end-2)]); <--- individual participant's raw MRI in nii form.

    cfg = [];
    cfg.coordsys = 'spm';
    cfg.output = {'brain'};
    seg = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri);

    cfg = [];
    cfg.method = 'singleshell';
    conductionmodel = ft_prepare_headmodel(cfg, seg);

    conductionmodel = ft_convert_units(conductionmodel,'cm');
    conductionmodel = ft_convert_units(conductionmodel,'mm');

 %%Check everything's aligned correctly:

    figure;hold on;
    subplot(1,2,1), ft_plot_vol(conductionmodel, 'facecolor', [0 0 1]);alpha 0.5;
    ft_plot_mesh(sourcemodel, 'edgecolor', [0 1 0]); camlight
    ft_plot_sens(sens, 'style', 'r*');
    subplot(1,2,2), ft_plot_vol(conductionmodel, 'facecolor', [0 0 1]);alpha 0.5;
    ft_plot_mesh(sourcemodel, 'edgecolor', [0 1 0]); camlight
    ft_plot_sens(sens, 'style', 'r*'); view([90 0]);
    view([90 0])
    suptitle([gii_list(i,2:5) ' source model']);
    saveas(gcf, [gii_list(i,2:6) 'source model.tiff']);

    assignin('base', [gii_list(i,2:6) 'sourcemodel'], sourcemodel); <--- rename hold variable to participant number
    assignin('base', [gii_list(i,2:6) 'conductionmodel'], conductionmodel); <--- ditto

    save([gii_list(i,2:6) 'model'], [gii_list(i,2:6) 'sourcemodel'], [gii_list(i,2:6) 'conductionmodel'], '-v6');


    load(sens_data_list(i,:)); <--- Load sensor space condition data
    conds_list = (who('*nback*av'))  <--- Create participant specific list

    datcm = eval(conds_list{1,1});
    dat = datcm;
    dat.grad = ft_convert_units(datcm.grad, 'mm');

    %Leadfield goes here <--- Mostly taken from the tutorial

    cfg = [];
    cfg.grad = dat.grad; % sensor positions
    cfg.channel = 'MEG'; % the used channels
    cfg.grid.pos = sourcemodel.pnt; % source points <---Does this have something to do with the problem?
    cfg.grid.inside = 1:size(sourcemodel.pnt,1); % all source points are inside of the brain <--- Or this?
    cfg.vol = conductionmodel; % volume conduction model
    leadfield = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);

    assignin('base', [conds_list{1,1} '_leadfield'], leadfield);
    save([gii_list(i,2:6) 'model'], [conds_list{1,1} '_leadfield'], '-v6', '-append');

    clear dat;

    for k = 1:size(conds_list,1);
        disp(['Creating source data for ' conds_list{k,1}]);
        datcm = eval(conds_list{k,1});
        dat = datcm;
        dat.grad = ft_convert_units(datcm.grad, 'mm');

    %Inversion goes here  <--- Mostly taken from the tutorial
        cfg  = [];
        cfg.method = 'mne';
        cfg.grid = leadfield;
        cfg.vol = conductionmodel;
        cfg.mne.prewhiten = 'yes';
        cfg.mne.lambda = 3;
        cfg.mne.scalesourcecov = 'yes';
        sourcedat = ft_sourceanalysis(cfg,dat);

        assignin('base', [conds_list{k,1} '_source'], sourcedat);

        k = k + 1;

%%General saving stuff

        a = who('*C_av_source');
        b = a(1:2:end,1);

        save([sourcedatadir gii_list(i,2:6) 'condep_conds'], char(b(1,1)), '-v6');

        for l = 2:size(b,1);
            save([sourcedatadir gii_list(i,2:6) 'condep_conds'], char(b(l,1)), '-append', '-v6');
            l = l + 1;

       save([sourcedatadir gii_list(i,2:6) 'source'],  '*_source', '-v6');

Thanks again,


Peter Goodin,
BSc (Hons), Ph.D Candidate.

Brain and Psychological Sciences Research Centre (BPsych)
Swinburne University,
Hawthorn, Vic, 3122

Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc)
Level 4, 607 St Kilda Road,
Melbourne 3004
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