[FieldTrip] Connectivity analysis after applying Welch's method
"Jörn M. Horschig"
jm.horschig at donders.ru.nl
Wed Jul 30 10:28:50 CEST 2014
Hi Dragos,
while quickly browisng through your mail, it appears to me that you
simply need to set single_epoch_freq.dimord = 'rpt_chan_freq'. FieldTrip
is using the dimord field to infer the order of the dimensions
(*dim*ension *ord*er). The actual dimensions of powspctrm and crsspctrm
are now inconsistent with the dimord specifications.
On 7/30/2014 1:18 AM, Dragos Stanciu wrote:
> Dear FieldTrippers,
> I'm Dragos Stanciu and I'm working on my MSc in Neuroinformatics
> dissertation at the University of Edinburgh. My project involves
> analysis of resting-state functional connectivity using graph theory
> in Alzheimer's disease based on MEG data.
> Each of my subjects has a number of 10s epochs (trials) associated
> with him/her. I was able to compute the coherence and weighted phase
> lag index measures (with /ft_freqanalysis /and
> /ft_connectivityanalysis) /by treating my 10s epochs as trials, but
> now I would like to reduce the amount of noise in the estimation of
> the frequency spectrum by employing Welch's method.
> For this, I split each 10s epoch in 2s segments (minitrials) with 50%
> overlap:
> [sep_epoch_data] = ft_redefinetrial(cfg_cut, single_epoch_data)/. /
> I then apply /ft_preprocessing /on the minitrials:
> [processed_single_epoch] = ft_preprocessing(cfg, sep_epoch_data);
> I then do frequency analysis on the preprocessed segmented data:
> [single_epoch_freq] = ft_freqanalysis(cfg_freq,
> processed_single_epoch);
> where
> display(cfg_freq)
> method: 'mtmfft'
> taper: 'hanning'
> foilim: [0.5000 4]
> output: 'powandcsd'
> channel: {148x1 cell} % 148 channels labelled from A1 to
> A148
> keeptrial: 'no' % don't keep the minitrials, as we want
> to average them
> keeptapers: 'no'
> Please note that I average the minitrials (/keeptrial = 'no'/) as I
> want to get an average of the frequencies.
> The resulting /single_epoch_freq/ structure looks like:
> display(single_epoch_freq)
> label: {148x1 cell}
> dimord: 'chan_freq'
> freq: [0.5001 1.0002 1.5004 2.0005 2.5006 3.0007 3.5008
> 4.0009]
> powspctrm: [148x8 double]
> labelcmb: {10878x2 cell} % channel combinations (148*147/2)
> crsspctrm: [10878x8 double]
> cfg: [1x1 struct]
> The last step is to append the averaged frequency structures of each
> 10s epoch together and perform connectivity analysis on the main 10s
> epochs. I do the concatenation like so:
> freq_avgs_powspctrm = [freq_avgs_powspctrm;
> permute(single_epoch_freq.powspctrm, [3,1,2])];
> freq_avgs_crsspctrm = [freq_avgs_crsspctrm;
> permute(single_epoch_freq.crsspctrm, [3,1,2])];
> The idea behind /permute(..., [3, 1, 2])/ is that I want the first
> dimension to represent trials, the second dimension channel
> combinations and the third dimension frequencies, as this is needed
> for the input of /ft_connectivity_wpli /(Repetitions x
> Channelcombination (x Frequency)).
> I then call stat_conn = ft_connectivityanalysis(cfg_conn, freq_avgs);
> where:
> display(cfg_conn)
> method: 'wpli_debiased'
> channel: {148x1 cell}
> and
> display(freq_avgs)
> powspctrm: [4x148x8 double] % as I have 4 ten second epochs
> crsspctrm: [4x10878x8 double] % as I have 4 ten second epochs
> label: {148x1 cell}
> dimord: 'chan_freq'
> freq: [0.5001 1.0002 1.5004 2.0005 2.5006 3.0007 3.5008
> 4.0009]
> labelcmb: {10878x2 cell}
> cfg: [1x1 struct]
> The error that I get when running /ft_connectivityanalysis/ is:
> Error using cat
> CAT arguments dimensions are not consistent.
> Error in ft_checkdata>fixcsd (line 1170)
> data.crsspctrm = cat(catdim, data.powspctrm, data.crsspctrm);
> When debugging, /catdim/ is equal to 1. The error occurs because the
> 2nd dimension of data.powspctrm and data.crsspctrm are not equal
> (former is 148, latter is 10878). Do you have any suggestions on
> getting around this problem? Should I construct /freq_avgs /(data
> input to ft_connectivityanalysis) differently? I'm also open to
> different approaches to working out Welch's method in FieldTrip.
> Please download this archive that contains my test script and 4
> example 10s epochs of a subject:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/js7pztai02f5p27/Welch_fieldtrip.zip The code
> should make things clearer (or the opposite).
> Observations: I thought about using /ft_freqanalysis_mtmwelch/, but
> apparently it's deprecated.
> Thank you all in advance for your feedback.
> Kind regards,
> Dragos Stanciu
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Jörn M. Horschig
PhD Student
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging
Radboud University Nijmegen
Neuronal Oscillations Group
FieldTrip Development Team
P.O. Box 9101
NL-6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands
E-Mail: jm.horschig at donders.ru.nl
Tel: +31-(0)24-36-68493
Web: http://www.ru.nl/donders
Visiting address:
Trigon, room 2.30
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