[FieldTrip] Preprocessing and analysis of spike and local field potential data - issue with calling certain functions

Laszlo Grand Laszlo.Grand at libd.org
Tue Jul 22 02:09:48 CEST 2014


I am a new FieldTrip user with advanced Matlab programming skills. I would like to use FieldTrip for analyzing multichannel local field potentials (EEG) and spike data recorded from rats.
As I go throughout the ‘Preprocessing and analysis of spike and local field potential data’ tutorial (http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/tutorial/spikefield), I get the following error message after calling the ft_spiketriggeredaverage function in the ‘Computing the spike triggered average LFP’ section:

staPost = ft_spiketriggeredaverage(cfg, data_all);

the input is raw data with 6 channels and 600 trials
Error using ft_checkconfig (line 205)
The field cfg.progress is not allowed

Error in ft_spiketriggeredaverage (line 72)
cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'allowed', {'timwin', 'spikechannel', 'channel',
'keeptrials', 'feedback', 'latency', 'trials', 'warning'});

In the ‘Computing the phases of spikes relative to the ongoing LFP ‘ section I receive the same error msg after calling the ft_spiketriggeredspectrum function.

stsConvol  = ft_spiketriggeredspectrum(cfg, data_all);

the input is raw data with 6 channels and 600 trials
Error using ft_checkconfig (line 205)
The field cfg.progress is not allowed

Error in ft_spiketriggeredspectrum_convol (line 135)
cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'allowed', {'taper', 'borderspikes', 't_ftimwin',
'foi', 'spikechannel', 'channel', 'taperopt',
'rejectsaturation','tapsmofrq', 'warning'});

Error in ft_spiketriggeredspectrum (line 106)
    sts = ft_spiketriggeredspectrum_convol(cfg,data);

Can anyone help me to understand the cause and resolving this issue?

Thank you,

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